Constitutional Convention Ms. Ramos
55 Delegates Most were college-educated & legal May 25, 1787 Held in secret Ea state = 1 vote Ms. Ramos
12 states were represented – Rhode Island not present Purpose – Amend the Articles
New Jersey Plan Ms. Ramos newjerseyhistory2.htm /mmaltby/his108/creating.htm W. Paterson Unicameral Equal representation
Virginia Plan Ms. Ramos E. Randolph Bicameral Based on population
Great Compromise (CT) Representation “Trade” Executive Ms. Ramos
Bi-Cameral 2 houses – Upper: Senate based on equal reps – Lower: House based on pop Ms. Ramos
3/5ths Compromise Ms. Ramos
Commerce & Slave Trade Compromise Federal Gov could tax imports, NOT exports Congress could not ban slave trade until after 1808 Ms. Ramos
Ms. Ramos
Ms. Ramos
Madison, Hamilton, Jay Published in NY newspapers – Crucial states: NY & VA Pen name: Pubilus Significance : Significance : Est key beliefs & principles that make up US system of govt Ms. Ramos