sjappe.cyt a filing system for cytotoxic preparations Stein Lyftingsmo Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum Norway sjappe.cyt
Unik master (production document) for each single Milligram strength Container Volume Solvent sjappe.cyt developed May 1996 by Stein Lyftingsmo and Hans Storslett at Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum, Norway sjappe.cyt
Fluo1200.pcs Generic name 4 positions Strength (or concentration) 1-4 positions Container Volume Solvent sjappe.cyt
bleobleomycin cispcisplatin cyklcyklofosfamid dakadakarbizin daktdaktinomycin docedocetaxel doxodoxorubicin dox$doxorubicin liposomalt etopetoposid etofetoposidfosfat fluifludarabin fluofluorouracil gemzgemzitabin sjappe.cyt
Container P – plastic perfusion bag G – Glass S – Syringe C - Cassette sjappe.cyt
Volume Roman figures –L, C, D, M Q – 250ml A – other sjappe.cyt
Solvent S – saline 9mg/ml W – water G – glucose 50mg/ml (empty position) – undiluted solution sjappe.cyt
Fluo1200.pcs Generic name 4 positions Strength (or concentration) 1-4 positions Container Volume Solvent sjappe.cyt
Rounding off 2% without asking Coarser rounding when agreed sjappe.cyt
2,5-5mgeach 0,1mg 5-12each 0,2mg even numbers 12-25each 0,5mg 25-50each single mg each 2mg even numbers each 5mg each 10mg each 20mg each 50mg each 100mg sjappe.cyt
Labels same file name with L in front cykl1150.pcs Lcykl1150.pcs sjappe.cyt
Part of large vial or single tailor made preparation It is possible to have two sets with production documents (add P in front of file name) sjappe.cyt
More than one active ingredient Doxo52.Vinc1_6.E192G Doxorubicin 52mg og Vinkristin 1,6mg Elastomer pump, 192ml Glucose 50mg/ml sjappe.cyt
Calculations –Done once and for all Packages specified Equipment specified sjappe.cyt
sjappe.cyt can be obtained by asking me