Health Science HOSA Teacher: Dr. Hargett
Welcome to Health Science Classes: Foundation of Health Science- 1st year Therapeutic Services Patient Care Technician- 2 nd year Introduction to Pharmacy Pharmacy Tech- *Seniors Only
Health Scienc Classes Human Body Function & Structue- 2 nd - 3 rd Sports Medicine
Career Readiness Indicators Certifications PCT Pharm. Tech EKG Tech Credentials CPR OSHA CERT AED
CRI Pharmacy Tech - Senior student - Pharm. Tech course - Passassured - H.S. Diploma/18 yrs of age - Career Tech funding – cost
CRI Patient Care Tech - Study course provided - Practice Exams - Final Board Exam- Spring semester - Paid by Career Tech funding
Class Rules No talking when teacher is talking- unless her hair is on ‘fire’ NO cell phone usage during class- refer to handbook ALL cell phones must be turned off and placed face down in the right hand corner of your desk at all times!
Class Rules Any phone noted to be in use will be taken up and sent to the office- NO warnings! Absolutely-NO eating in room Anyone violating NO eating in room policy will be sent immediately to the office.
Class Rules Respect the property and space of others NO talking while other students are answering questions- be polite! Bring all required material to class on a daily basis
Class Rules Class supplies - flashdrive pen/pencils - Notebook paper kleenex - Binder- 2inch hand sanitizer - color pencils - box of multiple color modeling clay
Fees Health Science- $30.00 All students must pay class fees HOSA- $ Must be a member of HOSA to attend competitions and field trips. *** All money due by the last day of September.
Grading Procedure UnitTest- 40% Participation/Behavior- 25% Classwork- 20% Project- 15%
Class Activities Gaming activities with each unit Bell Ringer- while roll is being taken Outdoor classroom- when weather permits and goes along with unit of study.
HOSA HOSA is Health Science club HOSA officer - submit an essay 2 wks President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian-2 (Scrapbook)
HOSA State competition- Feb 26 and 27 th- Montgomery, Al. National Competition- June 25- Disney Land- California JDLC Conference- November
State Conference New Rules Numerous students can enter one event. Leadership events Scholarship application- seniors only - Two days ouf of school!
State Conference Must be prepared! Pick Event within the next two weeks Fundraiser to attend conference - Hotel, transportation, reg. fee -Mum flower sale - Cheese Sale - Road Block - Wal-mart
Field Trips Must be a member of HOSA Field Trips - Mississippi State - UAB - UAH - St. Jude/Zoo
HOSA Officer See me after class if interested Must be committed/hard worker!
SADD SADD officers- Essay due in two weeks Act Out Rally – planning Welcome Back to school- SADD activity SADD Scrapbook National SADD convention