Welcome to Back to School Night! Welcome to Back to School Night! Miss Saffro Room 402 3rd Grade
Back to School Agenda General Rules and Expectations Schedule Curriculum Common Core Standards Grading Aeries Gradebook/Report Cards Homework/Agenda Book Special Activities Communication/Website Volunteer Sign-up Items that need to be signed/returned Questions
General Rules and Expectations 3 rd grade is a year for organization, taking responsibility for their own learning, focusing on independence and critical thinking. State testing in the spring Discipline Plan and Dress Code
Schedule for Room 402
Language Arts Reading –Foundational Skills –Literature (Fiction) –Informational Text (Non-fiction) –Multimedia –AR/6 Minute Solution Writing –Purpose/Range/Research –Conventions/Language/Vocab –Cursive writing –Spelling Spelling City Speaking/Listening –Comprehend/Collaborate –Present –Houghton Houghton Mifflin Reading Series
Math My Math series (McGraw Hill) Grade level concepts, games, distributed learning, and projects Topics: Operations and Algebraic Thinking (multiply/divide, choose correct operations) Numbers and Operations in Base 10 (place value, add/subtract, large numbers) Numbers and Operations of Fractions (form, value, compare) Measurement and Data (time, length/volume/mass, graphs, area) Geometry (shapes/attributes )
Social Studies Online Learning Exchange Pearson Scott Foresman Online Learning Exchange 3rdGrade - Our Communities –Land and Water in Your Area –California Natives Past and Present –Your Community Over Time –Rules and Laws –The Economy of Your Region
Science Foss Science Science Journal Main Topics: –Investigation: Tools and Scientific Method –Physical Science: Matter and Energy –Life Science: Structures of Life –Earth Science: Sun, Moon and Stars
Common Core – What is it?? Common Core Resources for Parents A set of academic standards which outline what a student should know at the end of each grade level. A progression of learning from one grade to the next. Teaches students to access information through a set of critical thinking skills. It will help students meet the challenges of today and tomorrow, including communications skills, perseverance in problem solving, technical reading and writing, literacy across disciplines, and the most important mathematical skills.3rd Grade "I Can" Statements3rd Grade "I Can" Statements
Grading SVUSD Standards Based Grading Information District Rubric Grading Scale (on all graded assignments/tests/report cards): 4: Standards Exceeded: Exceeds and Expands – consistently demonstrates greater depth and application of the standards 3: Standards Met: Consistent Achievement – consistently meets grade level standards independently 2: Standards Nearly Met: Partial Achievement – inconsistently demonstrates understanding of standards addressed, student is beginning to understand 1: Standards Not Met: Minimal Achievement – seldom demonstrates skill or understanding and is not meeting standards
Aeries Gradebook and Report Cards WE ARE ON THE SEMESTER SYSTEM Standards Based Report cards will go home in December and June You can access grades as they are inputted when you login to the Aeries Parent PortalAeries Parent Portal This will eliminate surprises when report cards come due. Please try to check once a week to keep current.
Homework Agenda Books should be checked daily! Assignments are also listed on my website.website District expectation is approximately minutes nightly for all 3rd graders Additional reading 30 minutes every night Most nights: Math and either Vocab, Spelling or Grammar Approx. once a week: Science and Social Studies Unfinished class work as assigned by teacher Extensions for Science labs, Reading units, Social Studies
Special Activities P.E. is twice a week for 50 minutes with another 3 rd grade class Library/Computer Lab is once a week for 45 minutes Chromebooks will be used once a week for special lessons/projects Field Trips: To be determined
Communication Weekly Report/Weekly Note You may leave me a message at school at , ext Or me (best method) at Please check out the class website for regularly updated information on current studies, homework, upcoming due dates, etc. Sign up for Remind for quickRemind notifications
Parent Volunteers Volunteer forms/Driver’s License must be updated/on file in the office each year We need assistance with: P.E. Monday 12:45-1:30 Thursday 11:00-11:45 Library Thursday 8:15-9:00 Co-Room Parents and Assistants Special Occasions/Events
Required signed items (*) Please try to return by TOMORROW *Library Permission slip *Accelerated Reader contract (0ptional) Parent Volunteer form. – MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF CURRENT DRIVER’S LICENSE. PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO GO ONLINE TO UPDATE THE PARENT PORTAL BY NEXT WEEK. Any questions???