Coding for the FIRST Tech Challenge: RobotC Presented by: Team Unlimited FTC 0001
Presentation Overview Why RobotC? Where to Download Coding Basics RobotC Overview & Basics Sample code References Q & A More Code RobotC
Why RobotC? Speed Control Personal Preference RobotC runs quicker on the NXT Differences in speed are small until larger code is written Control In RobotC you have control over almost everything Real Time Debugger to allow viewing of code line by line while running Personal Preference Text base control Advanced math functions Team Decision RobotC
Downloading RobotC can be downloaded from RobotC
Hardware Review Servo Can only go 180 degrees In code, it is from 0 to 255 DC Motor Continuous Controlled by power rather than degree (+100 forward to -100 backward) 180° 255 RobotC
Plan the Code Get a diagram of the field Draw the general routine w/ arrows and numbers Make side notes noting what happens at each time interval Start your first draft of the code RobotC
Coding Basics Comments: Example: “//” is used as a line comment “/*” is the beginning of a group comment “*/” ends a group comment Comments never affect the function of code Always comment code so your team members understand it! Example: RobotC
Dead Reckoning vs. Sensing A prewritten routine Code flows A to B to C If interrupted, will only try to continue Easier to write Sensing Routine that can adapt Code flows, but can respond If interrupted, can attempt to correct More complicated RobotC
Time vs. Rotations Time Rotations Dependant on battery life Useful for squaring on a wall Can be imprecise Used often for manipulators Rotations Independent of battery life Useful for replicating a routine repeatedly Very precise, always the same rotations Used often for movement RobotC
Reacting to the Environment Sense the world and react to it Touch switch is pressed, against something Ultrasonic rapidly changes, something crossed paths Light sensor spikes, on a line or off a line Useful to be able to change course Code “thinks” for itself Only as smart as YOU code it! RobotC
Flow of the Code Flow from place to place Make things easy to fix DON’T JUMP ALL OVER THE PLACE! Structure the code ahead of time, plan it out Make things easy to fix Make your code neat and clean Plan the code out ahead of time Don’t haphazardly place code in Order your code Do you want an interrupt? Is there an importance to the steps? RobotC
Commenting Use comments to remind yourself Often you will forget why something is in the code Explains to the JUDGES what you were thinking Allows for easy corrections Write complete thoughts “Checks for a touch sensor being pressed, if not, continue” Use them LIBERALLY RobotC
RobotC Home Screen RobotC
RobotC Basics Make sure you are on version 3.00 If not, uninstall RobotC COMPLETELY before installing the newest version Use the Sample codes included in RobotC Access by File > Open Sample Programs Save RobotC files in separate location on Hard Drive Download and watch coding presentations at Robotics Academy RobotC
Starting up RobotC Open RobotC Change Menu Level to Expert (for FTC purposes) Window > Menu Level > Expert Change Platform to FTC Robot > Platform Type > FIRST Tech Challenge (NXT) Close RobotC and Reopen Open a blank file File > New Ctrl + N Download Firmware to NXT Robot > Download Firmware (more to come later) Rename NXT RobotC
Connect NXT RobotC
Select NXT Brick RobotC
Selecting the Firmware RobotC
Download and Complete Make sure this message appears before exiting RobotC
Rename NXT RobotC
Name Your NXT Type in the name for your NXT (default is NXT) Recommended name is your team number to four digits (i.e FTC #0001 is 0001 If you have more than one NXT, place an A, B, etc. after the number RobotC
Connecting to Bluetooth 1. Go to Robot > NXT Brick > Link Setup RobotC
Connecting to Bluetooth 2. Make sure that this box is checked to perform a bluetooth search 2. Select here to make a pair between the NXT and your laptop RobotC
Bluetooth at the Competition Take from the Field Preparation Guide (you can find it here) Remember to always do these steps at the Playing Field RobotC
Bluetooth at the Competition RobotC
RobotC Menu Compile and Download Compile Program Debugger Compiles and downloads Compile Program Compiles locally Debugger Scans code for errors Motor & Sensor Setup Set up Motor and Sensors Download firmware Download firmware to NXT RobotC
RobotC Menu Link Setup Poll Brick File Management Joystick Control Used to establish a link between NXT and Computer Poll Brick “Online Window” File Management Manage files on the NXT Joystick Control “FTC Controller Station” RobotC
RobotC Debugger Allows for program control wirelessly Allows to view where the code is currently Allows to view errors in your code while running RobotC
RobotC Debugger Buttons Start/Stop – Starts or Aborts Program Suspend – Pauses code Step Into – Pauses code and proceeds to next line Step Over – Pauses code and skips over next procedure Step Out - Pauses code and exits procedure Clear All – Resets all values to default Refresh Rate Once – Refreshes values manually Continuous/Stop – Switch between continuous and stop updating RobotC
RobotC Debugger Joystick Control “FTC Controller Station” Allows control over Teleoperator and Autonomous Views controller data RobotC
RobotC “Loops” While statement If statement Else statement Performs code as long as the statement is true I.e. while (ServoValue[Servo1] < 255) If statement Performs entirety of code if statement is true I.e. if (sensorValue[Touch] == 0) Else statement Performs entirety of code if “If Statement” is false i.e. else RobotC
RobotC Punctuation Brackets { } Semicolons ; Square Brackets [ ] Used to control flow of code Semicolons ; Used after lines to denote an end Square Brackets [ ] Used for sensors and motor declarations Parenthesis () Used for time and math functions RobotC
RobotC Operators == (test a condition) = (equals) i.e. while (sensorValue[Touch] == 0) = (equals) i.e. motor[motorD] = 0; < , > (less than, greater than) i.e. if ( -10 < joystick.joy1_y1 < 10 ) || (or) i.e. if ( joy1Btn(1) || joystick.joy2_TopHat == 0 ) RobotC
RobotC Commenting // TEXT /* TEXT */ /* Comments out a single line of text /* TEXT */ Comments out all text within the /* and */ /* Comments out all text after RobotC
RobotC Simple Program RobotC
Sample Code FTC Template Joystick Control DC Drive Motor sample NXT Motor sample Servo sample Touch Sensor sample Light Sensor sample Ultrasonic Sensor sample Compass Sensor sample RobotC
Using FTC Templates Using the Template (take from here) RobotC
Using FTC Templates RobotC
Using FTC Templates RobotC
Teleop Template RobotC
Autonomous Template RobotC
Joystick Control Sample RobotC
DC Motor Sample RobotC
NXT Motor Sample RobotC
Servo Sample RobotC
Touch Center Sample RobotC
Light Sensor Sample RobotC
Light Sensor Sample RobotC
Ultrasonic Sensor Sample RobotC
Compass Sensor Sample RobotC
Field Diagram RobotC
RobotC Resources RobotC RobotC Forums Robotics Academy FTC Function Guide (From Robotics Academy) Setting up Dual Template Mode Field Procedures for Bluetooth Software Information (Links at our website) Code and Software Presentation RobotC
RobotC Resources RobotC Sample code Program files > Robotics Academy > RobotC for Mindstorms > Sample Programs > NXT File > Open Sample Programs (if RobotC is open) RobotC
Coding for the FIRST Tech Challenge: RobotC Questions?