Hannah Cole Primary School Year
Welcome! We are beginning our 7 th year at HCP! We have new improvements to the playground which the students will love! We have a highly qualified and enthusiastic staff. We do have some new faces at HCP. Please welcome them. We are excited to have them! Jennifer Rice and Jesse Oswald will be assisting me this fall. Ms. Rice will serve as the Assistant at HCP when the preschool opens in January at Hannah Cole.
Packets Please complete the forms and return as soon as possible. You will receive a student handbook and calendar (One side is district, the other is Hannah Cole’s calendar). Please note all the dates to get scheduled in your calendar.
School Wide Title I – ALL students receive services based on individual needs. This includes support in reading and math. All classes differentiate instruction. School Wide Intervention- All students participate in a school wide intervention for 6 months of the year. Students may receive small group instruction to work on skills that they are missing or be placed in enrichment groups to promote further growth in reading or math. Learning Compact Teacher, parent, student responsibilities. This compact asks that we work together as a team to help your child reach his/her maximum potential.
COMMUNICATION Teacher newsletters – twice a month Principal newsletter – once a month Facebook- please contact us, be thoughtful of the posts that are made Parent Portal Website: – Links for Lunch/Breakfast menu – Upcoming events – Staff Directory – Student Handbook
RED (Real Time Events Delivered) Receive a text and/or on upcoming events and early dismissals due to weather Sign up for RED on Boonville website -Hannah Cole – General and your child’s grade level. If phone numbers or addresses change please notify the school and update your RED account.
ARRIVAL TIMES School starts at 7:45 Children cannot arrive before 7:25 as supervision is not available. Upon arrival children can either go to the gym or eat breakfast. Breakfast times are 7:25 – 8:00 Students are tardy after 8:00
LATE START District will use the late start system on inclement weather days. The day will begin at 9:45 when a late start is issued. Supervision is available at 7:25 for parents working that need assistance for supervision. Busses will run 2 hours later than normal.
Attendance Great improvement Extremely important Incentives for good attendance – “Beat the Bell” – “STAR” Students – End of the year award for Perfect Attendance – See Handbook for details
Lunch Parents are welcome to eat a school lunch with their child. Please notify school by 8:30. NO FAST FOOD OR SODA MAY BE BROUGHT IN. You will sit at a table in the extended part of the cafeteria with your student. A Lunch expectation agreement needs to be signed.
FAMILY INVOLVEMENT Brown Bag Lunch & Grandparent Celebration The Brown Bag Lunch events will showcase math (fall) and writing (spring). Fun opportunity to bring a fast food lunch in to enjoy with your child on Brown Bag Lunch days Reading Carnival, Science-Go-Round, and PTO Events
PTO Watch Dog Dads Fall Fundraiser Lots of ways to get involved. Check out the table in front hallway. We need parents to join- help however you can!
SICKNESS When your child is sick, please call the office by 8:30. Leave a message if on another line. Your child should be symptom/fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child gets sick during the day, we will call parents first, then emergency contacts. Any prescription medications need to be brought to the nurse in the pharmacy package with pharmacy label. Doctor/Dentist Notes to excuse absences.
Safety Secure Campus at all locations Parents and students buzzed in from 8:15-2:30 each day. Front doors will be locked during this time. All classroom doors are locked during the day Specific procedures & practice drills All outside doors are locked
VISITORS Once buzzed in, report directly to the office. Visitors must check in the office and get a visitor pass. No parents in hallway unless cleared through office.
Preschool/Construction We were awarded the MMP grant in July which will allow us to offer preschool beginning September 15 th. Ms. Rice will be the preschool director. The preschool will be moved to HCP next semester when construction is complete. The construction may cause an occasional issue with pick up and drop off.
Dismissal Procedures Plan ahead for your child’s dismissal Consistent dismissal procedures are important If you need to change dismissal plans, a parent or legal guardian must call the office by 2:00.
Bus Procedures We practice bus procedures daily the first few weeks of school. Students will need to follow bus rules so they don’t receive a bus note- sit safely, quiet voices, hands to themselves, etc. See handbook Students will be suspended from bus transportation if their behavior is dangerous to themselves or the other students.
Bus changes MUST be approved by First Student. Once approved, parent must call the school to notify of the change. Students cannot ride a different bus to go home with a friend.
Pick-Up List Your child will only be released with those you have listed on your child’s verification form. It is a two-sided document and the top paper of your child’s packet. If you need someone to pick up your child that is not on the list, please call the office. You may be asked for a photo ID.
NO CARS IN LINE BEFORE BUSES. Buses will arrive by 2:35 each day. Cars may line up only AFTER buses or park in parking spots. Bus 12 0 Bus 11 Bus 10Bus 6 Bus 4Bus 7 Bus 5Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 9 Bus 1 East Parking Lot West Parking Lot Hannah Cole Primary
Parent Pick-Up Procedures Two ways to utilize parent pick-up: Car Pick-Up Face to Face Pick-Up
Car Pick-Up Pick-up is at 2:55 AFTER all buses have left Stay in your car Pull your car all the way around the parking lot via the following:
West Side-2 nd Graders & Preschool (Behind buses)
East Side-Kindergarten & 1 st Grade (Behind buses)
Car Pick-Up and Drop Off Lanes will continue to move forward to load and unload students. The moving line needs to keep moving. You may need to park if your student is not ready. Do not park in the moving lanes. Watch for families utilizing the crosswalks. Please use the crosswalks. Please respect the crossing guards as they try to direct traffic safely out of the parking lot. Stay in a single line. Do not pull out of the moving line to pull around other vehicles. We will all get out but we need to remember SAFETY. This involves patience on everyone’s part. If your child has a sibling in 2 nd grade, they will all be with the 2 nd grade teacher.
Face-to-Face Pickup Face-to-Face Pickup will start at 2:55. If you prefer to park and walk up to the building you may use the crosswalks and an attendant will be there to direct traffic. Teachers will be in the same area each day. The teacher will make sure you are on the list and you can take your student.
Face-to-Face Pick-Up People picking up students will not be allowed to stand inside the school or in the front entry of the building. The only exception to this is during inclement weather. A staff member will hold a sign for parents to come in the foyer after busses dismiss.
What Can You Do to Help? Please share our dismissal procedures with anyone that picks up your child. Do not pass vehicles while waiting for the traffic to begin moving. Stay in the dismissal lines. Be patient. We have tried to address possible issues but realize there will still be some that might come up.
Please return the packet information as soon as possible. Thank you for your support and we look forward to a great school year with you and your children!