Developed a More Formalized Training Program for New Hires ◦ Incorporated components from Watson Academy ‘Basic Training’ curriculum with program specific modules. ◦ This has allowed for more educational/theoretical exposure initially, followed by ‘shadowing’ and/or observation of job functions by coworkers. Creation of Emergency Plan ◦ The Plan specifically outlines our strategy to respond to any future power outage affecting the Coolidge and McGrath House facilities. ◦ In addition to the updated plan, CRJ will be investing in a generator to be installed at Coolidge House – this will provide backup power in the event of a future outage, ensuring that electrical power is maintained allowing operations at the facility to continue uninterrupted. Proof of Identification Document for Residents ◦ Currently working with the District Manager of the Social Security Office to create a document for CH, which they will accept as ‘proof’ of identification to allow them to issue/reissue Social Security Cards to residents. The District Manager is awaiting approval from Regional Director. Blister-Packed Medications ◦ Working with Whittier Community Health Center Pharmacy to ‘blister pack’ meds for our clients. ◦ Residents will be able to have prescriptions sent to them from PCP (at Whittier or not), which the pharmacy will fill, blister pack, and deliver to CH nightly. Waive med deductible for clients with PCP at Whittier. Facility improvements ◦ All Resident rooms have been repainted, medication storage and distribution system has been enhanced.
Recruitment; Further development of training curriculum; and Policy and Procedure updating and development.
Data obtained from HR Personnel Summary Staff Turnover Rate 3/1/2011 –2/29/2012 (12 Mo.) SJS Overall: 35.7% Overdue Performance Evaluations (Over the 6 Mo. Period) November:8 FTE; 1 PTE December:6 FTE; 1 PTE January:8 FTE; 1 PTE February:7 FTE; 1 PTE March:4 FTE; 1 PTE April:4 FTE; 1 PTE The above reflects 2 PTE and a total of 12 FTEs receiving a late performance evaluation during the 6 mo period (a total of 16 late reviews). A decrease of 14 for the previous CPR.
Data Obtained from the Adult Utilization Report An Average of 93.4 Clients per Month over the 6 month period. (A decrease of ~8 clients from previous CPR)
Data Obtained from MMRs An Average of 0.4 Adaptive Life Skills Hours per Client per Month over the 6 Month Period. (Consistent with the last CPR) An Average of 3.3 Cognitive Behavioral Hours per Client per Month over the 6 Month Period. (A decrease of ~1 hour per client from pervious CPR)
Data Obtained from MMRs Twelve (12) Medication Incidents over the time period (A decrease of 3 from previous CPR)
Data Obtained from the MMR An Average of 93% of Clients Successfully Completed the Program over the 6 month period. (An increase of 9% from previous CPR) Reasons for Termination: Drug/Alcohol Use Out of Place Continued Noncompliance Despite Progressive Discipline
Data Obtained from the MMR An average of 43% of Clients Completed the Program Employed over the 6 month period. (A decrease of 8% from previous CPR) a Employment Areas: General Labor Restaurant Services Retail Car Salespersons City/Government Jobs
Data Obtained from the MMR An average of 100% of Clients Completed the Program with Housing over the 6 month period. (Consistent with last CPR)
Figures Obtained from the June 2012 Client Satisfaction Survey Results
Data Obtained from the June 2012 Client Satisfaction Survey Results 59% of Resident Responses Reported that the Program was Performing “Most Times” or “Always” in the Respective Functions. This is consistent with the January, 2011 Survey Results (a 2% increase).