INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania “ScicomP 9” Bologna March 23 – Using LAPI and MPI-2 in an N-body cosmological code on IBM SP in an N-body cosmological code on IBM SP M. Comparato, U. Becciani, C. Gheller, V. Antonuccio The N-Body project at OACT The FLY code Performance analysis with LAPI and MPI-2 Questions
INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania FLY Project People: V. Antonuccio, U. Becciani, M. Comparato, D. Ferro Funds: Included in the project “Problematiche Astrofisiche Attuali ed Alta Formazione nel Campo del Supercalcolo” funded by MIUR with more than 500,000 Euros + 170,000 Euros INAF provides grants on MPP systems at CINECA Resources: IBM SP, SGI Origin systems, Cray T3E
INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania 24 Processors 222 Mhz Global RAM Memory : 48 Gbytes Disk Space: 254 GB (72.8 GB HD per node GB HD cws) Network Topology: SPS scalable Omega switch and FastEthernet node interconnection type Bandwidth: 300 Mbyte/s peak bi-directional transfer rate Programming Language: C, C++, Fortran 90 Parallel paradigms: OpenMP, MPI, LAPI IBM SP POWER3 INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Catania
INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania NEW SYSTEM 8 Processors 1.1 GHz Global RAM Memory : 16 Gbytes Disk Array: 254 GB L2: 1.5 Mbytes L3: 128 Mbyte Memory: 2 GB per processor IBM POWER4 P650 INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Catania
With this method matter is represented as a set of particles: each particle is characterized by mass, position and velocity, the only force considered is gravity, the evolution of the system is obtained integrating numerically the equation of motion on a proper time interval Gravitational N-body problem The cosmological simulation The N-body technique allows to perform cosmological simulation that describe the evolution of the universe.
Gravitational N-body problem The cosmological simulation Direct interaction (P-P) method is conceptually the simplest. … but it scale as O(N 2 ) and this makes impossible to run simulations with more than N >= 10 5 particles. to overcome this problem tree- or mesh-based algorithms have been developed, these scale as NlogN and N but, only supercomputers, and parallel codes, allow the user to run simulations with N>= 10 7 particles
FLY: Parallel tree N-body code for Cosmological Applications Based on the Barnes-Hut Algorithm (J. Barnes & P. Hut, Nature, 324, 1986) Fortran 90 parallel code High Performance Code for MPP/SMP architecture using one-side communication paradigm: SHMEM – LAPI It runs on Cray-T3E System, SGI ORIGIN, and on IBM SP. Typical Simulations require 350 MB Ram for 1 million particles
Gravitational N-body problem The Barnes-Hut algorithm The particles evolve according to the laws of Newtonian physics where d ij = x i - x j Considering a region the force component on the i- particle may be computed as:
Gravitational N-body problem Tree Formation root 2D Domain decomposition and tree structure. The split of each sub-domain is carried out until only one body (a leaf) is contained in each box
Gravitational N-body problem Force Computation The force on any particle is computed as the sum of the forces by the nearby particles plus the force by the distant cells whose mass distributions are approximated by multipole series truncated, typically, at the quadrupole order. cell mark the If cmi d Cellsize Two phases: tree walk procedure force computation
Parallel implementation of FLY Data distribution Two main data structures: particles tree Particles are distribuited in blocks such that each processor has the same number of contiguous bodies. E.g. with 4 processors: Tree structure is distribuited in a cyclic way such that each processor has the same number of cells
Parallel implementation of FLY Work distribution Each processor calculates the force for its local particles. To do that the whole tree structure (which is distributed among processors) must be accessed asyncronously (one-side communications required) This leads to a huge communication overhead
FLY: Tips and tricks In order to lower the problems related to communication overhead, we have implemented several “tricks” Dynamical Load Balancing: processors help each other Grouping: close particles have the same interaction with far distributions of mass Data Buffering
Data buffering: free RAM segments are dynamically allocated to store remote data (tree cell properties and remote bodies) already accessed during the tree walk procedure. Performance improvement: 16 Million bodies on Cray T3E, 32 PEs 156 Mbytes for each PE Without Buffering Each PE executes 700 GET operations for each local body Using Buffering Each PE execute ONLY GET operations for each local body FLY: Data buffering
Why FLYing from LAPI to MPI-2 LAPI is a propretary parallel programming library (IBM) Implementing FLY using MPI-2 improves the portability of our code RMA calls introduced in MPI-2 make the porting simple, since there is a direct correspondence between basic functions lapi_get(…) lapi_put(…) mpi_get(…) mpi_put(…) MPI-2 doesn’t have an atomic fetch and increment call
MPI-2 syncronization MPI_Win_lock and MPI_Win_unlock mechanism when we need the data just after the call when only one processor access remote data MPI_Win_fence mechanism when we can separate non-RMA access from RMA access when all the processors access remote data at the same time
MPI-2 syncronization FLY algorithm requires continuous asyncronous access to remote data passive target syncronization is needed we have to use the lock/unlock mechanism.
MPI-2 Drawback Unfortunately, Lock and unlock are usually not implemented efficiently (or they are not even implemented at all) LAM: not implemented MPICH: not implemented MPICH2: I am waiting next release IBM AIX: poor performance IBM Turbo MPI2: testing phase
FLY 3.3 Problem: poor performance of lock/unlock calls Walk-around: rewrite portion of code (where possible) to separate non-RMA accesses from RMA accesses in order to use the fence calls Result: MPI-2 version runs 2 times faster Why don’t we port these changes on the LAPI version? FLY 3.3 was born
Static part: Tree generation Cell properties … Dynamic part: Interaction list Force computation … FLY 3.2 VS FLY 3.3 2M particles test
FLY 3.2 VS FLY 3.3 2M particles test Total simulation time Scalability: timing normalized on the number of processors (t n xn)/t 1
Static part: Tree generation Cell properties … Dynamic part: Interaction list Force computation … FLY 3.3 VS FLY MPI-2 2M particles test
Conclusions Present: Low performce MPI2 version of FLY (for now) More scalable LAPI version of FLY Future: TurboMPI2 MPICH2 (porting on Linux clusters) OO interface to hydrodynamic codes (FLASH)
Dynamical load balancing: … FLY: dynamical load balancing and grouping Grouping: …