Key Platform Features ©2014 Bivarus, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of Bivarus.
Comprehensive, real-time reporting across categories & questions Includes confidence intervals and # responses Real-time, free-text comments for immediate action and identification of operational, quality & safety concerns Real-Time Reporting Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
Detailed physician & nurse-specific reporting Peer comparisons providers opportunity for specific actionable improvement. The platform also provides an opportunity to rapidly identify physician leaders as potential peer mentors Downloadable/mobile accessible provider report card featuring quantitative and qualitative data Comprehensive Provider Data Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
Using the Intervention Diary, track and measure interventions to evaluate impact Workflow Tools: Intervention Diary Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
Patient Safety ED Dashboard QuestionYes (%)No/unsu re (%) Hand sanitation performed by RN and MD49.7*50.3 Medication reconciliation performed Nursed asked about allergies Nurse verified name before giving medications Nurse explained medications before giving them Radiology verified name before test Good coordination of care at shift change65.7*34.3 Explained medications told to take at home78.5*21.5 Understood how to arrange follow-up care77.6*22.4
Business Transformation Case Studies
Safety Events In a recent safety study, from a sample of 2,800 Bivarus comments, 10% revealed safety-related issues, including serious adverse events and preventable near misses. COO has commissioned safety initiative to identify issues using Bivarus data. And based on Bivarus feedback from multiple different patients, a resident- led initiative is currently underway to identify and prevent the multi-factorial failures that have led to contrast dye exposure in allergic patients. PATIENT COMMENT 1 RESPONSE BY ED PATIENT COMMENT 2 Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
Central Line Access Clinical Operations developed an in-service training program, focused on accessing ports using sterile technique, that has the potential to improve patient safety, thereby reducing medical-legal liability PATIENT COMMENTRESPONSE BY ED Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
Medication Availability RESPONSE BY ED After sharing this Bivarus comment with the Pharmacy and evaluating volume of ED patients needing the medication, it was decided to inventory Lactulose in the ED Pyxis for immediate dispensation. PATIENT COMMENT PRE-INTERVENTION PATIENT COMMENT POST-INTERVENTION Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
Prioritize 10 categories and 100 questions based on your organization’s information needs Question bank created with input by key healthcare stakeholders Highly customizable (ie: new categories and/or questions can be added) Survey Customization Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
From The Patient’s Perspective PATIENT COMMENT Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
In The Words of Our Users “This powerful and novel approach to assessing patient satisfaction is a game-changer; it will fundamentally change how we manage the service experience for our patients – here and nationally.” - Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine “Fantastic report - really synthesizes a ton of information for us - and can help us target some quality improvement projects for the next quarter. Thanks again - great report for Bivarus to provide to clients.” - MD, Department of Dermatology “I learned more from 10 minutes reviewing this report once than I have in 10 years of Press Ganey. Very nice. PS: Feel free to quote me.” - ED Medical Director “Wow! In only 2 weeks of testing in the ED you’ve collected more actionable data than we typically get in 6 months.” - Director, Patient Relations “This is the perfect combination of entrepreneurship and doing good in the world. Thank you!” - Vice Chair for Research, Department of Anesthesiology “I’ve never seen a more innovative survey approach. Bivarus is truly one of a kind and has limitless applications in any sector where understanding the customer is a priority.” - Edward and Rose Donnell Professor of Business Administration, Duke University Fuqua School of Business Confidential, ©2014 Bivarus, Inc.
Patient Experience Improvement
The Difference is Clear “This powerful and novel approach to assessing patient satisfaction is a game-changer; it will fundamentally change how we manage the service experience for our patients – here and nationally.” - Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine “I learned more from 10 minutes reviewing this report once than I have in 10 years of Press Ganey. Very nice. PS: Feel free to quote me.” - ED Medical Director “Fantastic report - really synthesizes a ton of information for us - and can help us target some quality improvement projects for the next quarter. Thanks again - great report for Bivarus to provide to clients.” - MD, Department of Dermatology “Wow! In only 2 weeks of testing in the ED you’ve collected more actionable data than we typically get in 6 months.” - Director, Patient Relations Confidential, ©2013 Bivarus, Inc.
©2014 Bivarus, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of Bivarus.