Equal Opportunities Gateway: ESF Alternative Bidding Round 12 Sarah Carling Cross Cutting Themes Team, North West Regional Assembly
The Gateway What You Need to Know: The Essentials. To receive funding all applicants most provide positive answers to all parts of this section of the application All applicants must cover the “core criteria“ for each question. There are 3 sets of questions, what you answer depends on the type of project you are proposing.
Which Questions Will You Answer ?
Project Supporting Individuals: Questions and Core Criteria Identify the wide range of needs you will have to deal with when working with your target group. Describe previous experience of working with the type of beneficiary the project aims to help. Describe specify research or consultations undertaken to find out about targeted beneficiaries. As result of the above - identify the diversity of needs that you expect to have to meet within the target groups.
Project Supporting Individuals: Questions and Core Criteria Explain how your project will meet the needs that have been detailed in the previous question. Explain how needs/issues/problems were identified and have been taken into account in project design and implementation
Identifying and Supporting Your Targets Groups Needs: What Will GONW be Looking For? Not assumptions, do your research, consult, and use past experience. An explanation of how the project will overcome barriers. Specific support measures: e.g childcare. Flexibility in the provision of support.
Projects Not Supporting Individual: Question and Core Criteria. Is your proposed project 'equality-aware'? Explain how equality issues have been taken into consideration in terms of: Aims of the project Objectives of the project Proposed implementation of the project. Follow up action/recommendation
Equality Awareness: What Will GONW be Looking For? Have the under representation of particular groups in the sector you are working in been considered ? Will the project promote equality and diversity, and accessibility for all ?
All Projects: Questions and Core Criteria. Do you have an equal opportunities policy that applies to the project, staff and beneficiaries and an implementation plan in place? Explain that your policy clearly states the project’s commitment to Equal Opportunities including meeting obligation under legislation. Give details of the plan : how will you achieve this commitment (objectives, targets, monitor and systems in place). Explain how project management will deal with any complaints of discrimination, bullying or harassment.
EO Plan and Policy: What Will GONW be Looking For? Who is responsible for the plan? Explain how the Equal Opportunities Plan relates to the project (not your organisation). How will progress be measured, what will happen if targets are not achieved?
For All Projects: Questions and Core Criteria. Will you use appropriate marketing and publicity to reflect the project’s commitment to equal opportunities? Describe the different types of marketing and publicity materials you will use. Explain how you will promote equal opportunities in your materials and where it will be put.
Publicity: What Will GONW be Looking For? How will you ensure accessibility: format, location, images and language?
Final Thoughts : Lessons From the Last Round Complete the Question! Make sure the information is relevant to this application. Explain how the Equal Opportunities Plan relates to the project (not your organisation). Make sure that your data and research is relevant.