Suggested Guidelines for Thesis/Dissertation Chapters Chapter 1: Introduction Problem Statement: Why is this research important? What are the objectives of this study? What are the testable hypotheses? Outline of thesis/dissertation. What do the next chapters cover?
Chapter 2: Literature Review Review of relevant literature. Compare/contrast previous literature with what you intend to do. How does your intended work extend the knowledge frontier?
Chapter 3: Research Methodology Develop the theoretical framework underlying this research. How would results from the testable hypotheses alter or support the proposed theoretical framework? How sturdy is this theoretical framework? Are there short-comings?
Chapter 4: Data Specifications and Collection Procedures Background information about data sources. Variable descriptions. Sampling procedures. Descriptive statistics.
Chapter 5. Empirical Model and Estimation Results Based on theoretical framework, develop empirical model. Discuss estimation procedure and testing. Discuss estimation results and test results.
Chapter 6: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations Summarize your findings. Given your empirical results, what do you conclude? Based on your results and conclusion, what do you recommend? What are the limitations of your research? What else could be done? What do you recommend for future research based on your findings?