Organic Chemistry
What is it – chemistry involving carbon Why study – molecular structure concepts What to know – naming system –Prefix - # of carbons in molecule –Suffix – type of bonds between carbons –Prefix values:
Examples Practice Halogenation Functional Group(s)
Identifying General Trends Hydrocarbons containing only single bonds=alkanes Hydrocarbons containing one double bond=alkenes Hydrocarbons containing one triple bond=alkynes Create two examples of each (NB), draw structure, write formula, determine general formula, show me
Assignment Choose a functional group What is it How is it named (IUPAC) Common Examples Fantastic Example
Quick Presentations what to know Naming system (endings, suffixes or prefixes) Know at least one Common Example Appreciation for fantastic example
Alcohols Amine Ketone Aldehydes Carboxilic Acid Ester
Carboxylic Acids
Common Applications
whattoknow What goes into a root name Numbering system Halogenated hydrocarbons Branching Oxygen containing R groups
Organic Olfactory Lab Log in, come back up for instructions Aromatic Compounds (class of organics) Benzene Meta, para, ortho