Before I started work experience CF
My concerns were What if didn’t do something right? What would happen if I did something wrong ? Is this what I really want to do? Will the people there like me? Will I be able to follow the instructions correctly? Are the people working there friendly? Will I like it ?
What did I feel about the work placement? At first I was nervous Excited I didn’t have enough confidence to go in by myself so it was good Edwina was with me
My first impressions Children were loud Everyone was friendly Welcoming Better than I thought it would be It went well Enjoyed it Happy environment
Did I get the support I needed? Yes, I know who I could go to if I needed any help and advice, my teachers helped me and the staff at the work placement
What does my employer think? I did everything with a good positive attitude Gave very good feedback
My possibilities for the future Do a college course in Child care Get a job that could help me train to work in a nursery
The creation of this material by Norton Radstock College has been financed by the Skills Funding Agency Equality and Diversity Innovation Fund 2013/14. Copyright in this material is vested in the Crown but it is made freely available through an Open Government Licence. This licence enables you to use and adapt the material but you must attribute Norton Radstock College as the creator and include details of the licence. Full details of the licence are available at government-licence/ government-licence/