Free Response: Comparative Essay


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Presentation transcript:

Free Response: Comparative Essay AP World History Writing Workshop Julia M. Hyman BISD K-12 Social Studies Consultant

Comparative Essay The final free-response essay--comparative question that focuses on developments in two or more societies, and their interactions with each other or with major themes or events (e.g. culture, trade, religion, technology, migrations). You'll have 40 minutes to write the essay. It's recommended that you spend five minutes planning and/or outlining your answer before you begin writing.

Basic CORE: Competency Expanded CORE: Excellence Scoring Guidelines Basic CORE: Competency Possible Points: 0 - 6 Has an acceptable thesis 1 point Address all parts of the question 2 points Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence Makes at least two relevant, direct comparisons among or between societies Expanded CORE: Excellence Possible Points : 0 - 3 Basic CORE of six points must be obtained before the expanded CORE can be earned.

Acceptable Thesis State directly Locate at either the beginning or end of essay—do not split Must include both similarities and differences Focus on Subordinating Conjunctions!!

Format of the Thesis Sentence for a Comparative Essay ___________, coordinating conjunction ___________. (Coordinate: Of Equal Value use coordinating conjunction with a full sentence on either side. Use words such as and, or, but, neither/nor, either/or, not only/but also) If you need to show a relationship or demonstrate causality, go with one of the following formats: _____________; subordinating conjunction, ________. (Value one over the other use a subordinating conjunction. See Chart.) Subordinating conjunction ____________, _________.

Subordinating Conjunctions Concession (Provide help on the thesis) Compare Contrast Although like although Though same however Even though both differ While it may be true the same as unlike In spite of similar even though Granted that in the same way yet Whereas most important but While similarly instead as on the contrary too whereas as well as while compared to unless and contrary to or the reverse

Consider this Question: Compare and contrast the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on TWO of the following regions: China Middle East Russia

Address All Parts of the Question: Break Down the Prompt: Compare and contrast the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on TWO of the following regions: China Middle East Russia Address all four parts = 2 full points Address only two – three parts = 1 point Address only one part = 0 points Must show both similarities and differences to get full value in the thesis!

Brainstorm What You Know: 5 Minutes Political Evidence Economic Evidence China Kept modified civil service system Upper level bureaucracy reserved for Mongols Yaun Dynasty: Kublai Khan direct rule General benevolence when no resistance Religious toleration to consolidate rule Maintained Silk Roads, Postal System during ; safe travel encouraged international trade Facilitated commerce and communication Middle East Ruthless annihilation of resistance (terror tactics) Indirect rule: regents for the Khan Canal system destroyed Sacked and destroyed Baghdad Russia Religious toleration to consolidate rule; Russian Orthodoxy flourished Heavy Taxes levied and collected by Moscow Princes Outlet for the fur trade from Russia 2 or 3 historic examples = 1 point (One piece of evidence can count for more than one region if it is specifically explained for each region.) 4 historic examples = 2 points

Format of the Thesis Sentence for a Comparative Essay The Mongols had significant political and economic impact on both Russia and China during their rule, but China experienced a greater impact due to direct rule than did Russia under rule by proxy. China and Russia both benefitted economically from Mongol rule; however, China experienced greater political intervention during the Mongol reign. Although Russia and China both benefitted economically from Mongol rule, China benefitted more politically under Mongol direction.

Direct Comparisons Need at least two direct comparisons of the regions May be either comparison or contrast One must be political One must be economic Earn 1 point

Expanded CORE Points Can only be earned if you receive a 6 on the basic CORE Looking for: Clear, analytical and comprehensive thesis Balanced treatment of both regions Balanced treatment of both similarities and differences Balanced treatment of both political and economic analyses Ample historical evidence Comparisons in a larger global context