INFORMATIVE INFORMATION Basic Information Historical context Definitions THEORY!!!!!
TREND, EVENT, PHENOMENON Determine the time span of the trend, event or phenomenon Analyze the causes of the trend Providing facts is not the same thing as establishing causes Don’t oversimplify or make sweeping claims that aren’t provable
ESSAY ELEMENTS Thesis (Trend, Event, or Phenomenon noted) ALWAYS BOLD AND UNDERLINE THESIS Correlation or Causation noted in thesis Consider graphics Discuss them if you are using them Extended mind map Position Paper Set up Bib/Ann Bib (citing graphic resources as well)
BUILD A CAUSAL ANALYSIS ESSAY Introduction Grab attention Correlation or Causation DO NOT USE QUESTIONS DO NOT USE FIRST PERSON DO NOT USE SECOND PERSON THESIS Suggestion: Using your topic, identify a problem within it. What is the cause of this problem? What are the effects of the problem? Put your idea in the form “Using an understanding of (your topic here) as a (trend, event, phenomena), _____ causes ____ with the effects of _____.” TAKE 15 minutes for this activity
BUILD A CAUSAL ANALYSIS ESSAY Next you should Inform the reader about the facts necessary in knowing the angle of your topic Give definitions, history, context Use quotes and research What graphics would you like to find? Take 10 minutes for this activity
BUILD A CAUSAL ANALYSIS ESSAY Consider that you could: Analyze one cause or one effect Focus on causes that are not obvious Make it a paper that is new and surprising! Give evidence for c/e relationships Give facts and stats Give examples Give testimony of experts Give survey results Use logic Take 10 minutes for this activity
BUILD A CAUSAL ANALYSIS ESSAY This must be interesting, unique and college level writing. However, it is equally as important it is college level conceptualization. Avoid the HS encyclopedic, predictable term paper by using a larger theory from a field of study to suggest relationships in cause and effects. For example: Online addictions are both caused by and cause an undeveloped psyche because, according to Freud, when a phase of development is not complete, the individual cannot mature and suffers from an arrested development until he can complete that phase.
BUILD A CAUSAL ANALYSIS ESSAY Create and insert a mind map clearly noting cause and/or effects from the main center which includes your topic MIND MAPS ARE ALWAYS INCLUDED IN ESSAY FINAL DRAFTS Graphic Descriptions Position Set up Suggest positions on both sides of the topic Ann Bib Including image citations as well Take 10 minutes for this activity
FISHBOWL SWIRL Arrange room in two circles, one inside the other Each inside position will have a thesis statement and an outline Each outside position will have a cluster diagram
HOW TO EVALUATE – TOTAL OF 50 Thesis Statements and Large Cluster Outline and Small Cluster Is the working thesis clear and does it fall into the formula? (10 points) Are the causes or effects leaving out missing relationships? (10 points) 5 minutes to evaluate 5 minutes to comment Is the outline following the estimation of paragraphs? (10 points) Is it leaving out chunks that should be included? (10 points) Is the outline filling in the relationships AND the evidence (10 points)