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Presentation transcript:


THEMES Latin America in the 19th century Its political leaders Shaped by internal divisions Threats from foreign imperialism Cross border disputes Its political leaders Tended to begin as liberals, democrats Ended up often as dictators Shaped in the era of Enlightenment beliefs Accepted concepts common in the West Progress Property Rights New nations Faced problems inherited from their colonial past Largely dependent on the international economic system

COMING OF REVOLUTIONS By the late 18th century Revolution occurred Creole elites in Latin America prepared to separate Fear of racial, class conflicts prevented action Revolution occurred Haitian Revolution occurred during French Revolution Issue was slavery and its abolition Leaders espoused ideas of French Enlightenment Only after the Napoleonic wars did real action occur Disrupted the government of Spain Replaced legitimate Spanish king with Napoleon’s brother Spanish colonies forced to go it alone In 1810s Spain tried to restore its traditional rule prior to Napoleonic Wars Latin American leaders not willing to go back to the old ways

CAUSES OF CHANGE Revolutions in Latin America part of a series of rebellions Often called Atlantic Revolutions American Revolution 1776 – 1783 French Revolution 1789 – 1799 Haiti 1791 – 1802 Slaves under Toussaint L'Ouverture Successfully overthrew the colonial government of St. Domingue Established the independent republic of Haiti Adopted radical aspects of the French revolution; called Black Jacobins Specter of black rebellion in Haiti frightened Creole elites of Latin America. Latin America 1810s – 1822 Breakdown of the Spanish monarchy during the Napoleonic wars Creoles set up independent governments Claimed to rule in the name of the exiled Spanish monarch

SPANISH-AMERICAN STRUGGLES Rebellion in Mexico Began in 1810 Under the leadership of Father Miguel de Hidalgo Called on the support of mestizos and Indians Hidalgo's movement failed for lack of Creole support Morelos Rebellion Gives Way to Iturbide Second revolutionary movement with more Creole support broke out in 1820 Royalist Creole military officer Augustín de Iturbide switches sides Seized Mexico City ; proclaimed Iturbide emperor in 1821 Mexico initially maintained control over Central America Central America separated from Mexico in 1838 Central America broke up into separate republics in the 1840s and 1850s In northern South America Simon Bolívar emerged as the leader of the revolutionary forces Between 1817 and 1822 he defeated Spanish forces in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador Formed the new nation of Gran Colombia After 1830, these nations split into independent states In southern South America The revolutionary leader was José de San Martín. San Martín mobilized resistance in his native Argentina then crossed the Andes to Chile By 1824, San Martín had carried the revolution into the most conservative colony of Peru He defeated the Spanish forces there. All of Spanish South America had won independence by 1825.

BRAZILIAN INDEPENDENCE Independence in Brazil achieved by different methods Early movements for independence failed White population feared slave uprisings 1807 – 1820 Portuguese royal family fled Portugal in face of French invasion Emigrated to Brazil, set up a government in exile King João VI ruled empire from Rio de Janeiro Brazilian ports were opened to international commerce. King returned to Portugal in 1820 His son proclaimed independence in Brazil in 1822 Brazil became a monarchy under Pedro I.

PROBLEMS OF THE NEW NATIONS Most of the independent nations Established representative governments Rights to private property and free trade Less agreement on position of Roman Catholic Church Slavery abolished in all except Brazil, Spanish colonies Voting rights Tended to be restricted by race to favor Creoles Women remained without voting rights Indian populations and people of mixed origins Remained outside the egalitarian principles Marginalized within societies

POLITICAL FRAGMENTATION Mexico Quickly abandoned its experiment with monarchy Established a republic in 1832 Government remained unstable until the 1860s Central America Initial attempts to form a unified government failed Gave way to individual states in 1838 Cuba and Puerto Rico remained within the orbit of Spanish colonialism. Consolidation also failed in South America New Granada failed in 1830. Attempts of Rio de la Plata to created a political union failed Paraguay, Uruguay, and Chile remained independent Peru and Bolivia Temporarily united but formed separate governments in 1839 Poor transportation and communication magnified problems of integration.

CAUDILLOS, POLITICS, CHURCH Decades of war gave rise to regional military figures Caudillos dominated local areas Sometimes seized national governments Caudillos often operated out of self-interest Sometimes sought support from regional elites or from Indians, peasants, or the poor Governmental Philosophies The degree of centralization the new republican governments should have was issue Federalists wished regional governments to establish policies Centrists wanted powerful, central administrations Liberals tended to support federalist policies Conservatives wanted centralized governments, corporate institutions, such as Catholic Church. Liberals attempted to limit the role of the Church in civil affairs Political parties representing these points of view sprang up in many of the new republics. Leaders Regardless of political view, leaders in Latin America tended to come from wealthy landowners Rapid political change was the rule in Latin America in the first half century after independence Constitutions and leadership came and went swiftly Many military coups – military and strong army officers at the center of most changes Brazil, with its monarchy, was perhaps the most stable government in the region

GREAT BRITAIN IN REGION Great Britain's Role Recognized Latin American independence Actively forestalled plans to restore Spanish empire The United States Also supported the independence movement Gave arms, money and refuge to leaders Promulgated the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 Britain used the Doctrine to support its own ideas Britain's support for the new nations Tied to the opening of trade with Latin America Britain replaced Spain as the region's largest trading partner British dominance Hindered the development of Latin American industries Reinforced economic dependence of Latin America in world trade

MID-CENTURY STAGNATION From 1820 to 1850 Economy of Latin America remained stagnant After 1850 In response to European demand for products Economy quickened Enhanced trade Permitted greater state development of infrastructure Roads and railroads Strongest in Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Chile Pattern was established Economy strictly dependent on world trade network Export of primary products into world system Uneasy alliances between peasants and conservatives Prevented rapid economic change proposed by urban middle class

LIBERALS, ECONOMIC RESURGENCE European economy 1875 – 1900 Produced great demand for Latin American products Economies expanded rapidly. Economic growth created support for liberal policies Led to liberal governments after 1860 European economic models Did not fit Latin American economies, often failed Immigrants from Europe entered Latin America Filled labor vacuum created by abolition of slavery Ignored Native American populations Wealthy landowners Continued to monopolize the countryside At the expense of small farmers, Indians, poor Blacks

MEXICO 1865 – 1910 The federalist constitution of 1824 1835 – 1855 Failed to address the inequitable distribution of land Failed to address the status of the Indian population Abandoned in favor of military leadership 1835 – 1855 Antonio López de Santa Anna Served as the most important military and political figure in Mexico. Santa Anna enjoyed mixed results in fighting off foreign attempts to intervene in Mexico. Anglo-American settlers in province of Texas rebelled and declared independence Failure to suppress the Texas independence movement led to the US’ annexation of region US won the Mexican-American War Forced the cession of Texas, California, and much of Mexico north of the Rio Grande River. Called the Treat y of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico's failures in foreign policy Led to the removal of Santa Anna as the chief political figure of the republic Liberal rebellion against the caudillo resulted in Santa Anna's ouster La Reforma, Jaurez, and The French Intervention Creation of a liberal constitution Conservatives rejected liberal constitution and turned to France as an ally French forces overthrew republic, placed Maximilian of Habsburg on throne as emperor in 1862 French forces were withdrawn, liberals returned to power under Benito Juárez in 1867 Juárez continued to govern until his death in 1872.

ARGENTINA The port of Buenos Aires dominated the region of Rio de la Plata In 1820s Liberal government established in port Sought to stimulate the economy The leader's preference for a strong, central government Provoked the opposition of cattlemen in the plains outside the port By 1831 Conservative government under Juan Manuel de Rosas Replaced the liberals Rosas's federalism favored the ranchers at the expense of Indians. After Rosas's fall in 1852 Period of political confusion ensued until creation of united Argentina in 1862 Liberal reformers sought to manipulate the economic boom after the 1860s. Using profits from increased trade Liberal government established education systems, built roads, railroads The liberal government carried out the final conquest of Indians in Argentina.

BRAZIL: FROM EMPIRE TO REPUBLIC In Brazil, a functioning republic existed behind the facade of monarchy Independence was achieved in 1822 under Dom Pedro I Pedro I was deposed in 1831 A series of regencies ruled in the name of the young Dom Pedro II Between 1831 and 1840 Regional governments opposed centralized rule from Rio de Janeiro After 1840 Dom Pedro II ruled in his own name as a liberal Sought to increase economic growth. Improved the country's infrastructure Sought foreign investments to capitalize internal projects. Brazilian economy was revolutionized by emergence of coffee as an export crop As coffee production expanded Slavery was intensified as a source of coercive labor. Extensive European immigration into Brazil Broadened the labor force and reduced the need for slavery. Brazil’s white population surpassed its Black and Mixed Population for the first time Italians formed a major group of the immigrants Slavery Finally abolished in 1888 Abolition movement gained force in 1840s Gradual emancipation and freeing of new born children, youth occurred earlier Empire abolished Weakened by long participation in an unpopular war and by opposition from the Church Landowners furious at monarchy for support of abolition movement 1889, a military coup deposed the emperor and established a republic.

SOCIETY IN SEARCH OF DEFINITION Tension of Heritages Tension in Latin American culture between Heritage of Europe Heritage of the Americas (Creole culture) Indian, Black cultures still marginalized End of Spanish colonial dominance Opened Latin America to other European influences French neoclassical tradition was particularly influential. Romanticism Shifted Latin American attentions to Americanisms Symbols such as Indians, gauchos, and slaves. Historical studies reflected European concepts of positivism, progress By 1870s, liberalism produced more realistic literary efforts It often criticized social and political systems. Popular culture remained unaffected by trends among the elite.

GENDER, RACE, CLASS Women Color and Ethnicity After the 1870s Active in the independence movements Gained little power during the 19th century Excluded from active participation in politics Remained subject to patriarchal authority in their households But did have broader access to public education, positions as teachers Educated women were in the forefront of the new feminist movement Color and Ethnicity Legal distinctions were often removed Old social hierarchy based on color and ethnicity was tacitly retained Indians remained outside the social system of Creoles, mestizos Liberal decades led to increasing control of resources, land by creoles After the 1870s Economic change, immigration fostered creation of greater urban centers But Latin America remained predominantly agrarian Largely dependent on world trade with few of the modern social classes

GREAT BOOM A Change Occurs Latin American export economy Produced a social, political alliance Between large landowners, miners, and export merchants All depended on commerce for prosperity. All of Latin America depended on exports to Europe Complete dependence Made Latin American economy vulnerable to shifts in markets Changes in demand and prices help, hurt region Exports dramatically increased between 1870 and 1900 Expanding economy attracted capital from abroad Money flowed in from Europe (UK), the United States Foreign capital provided the impetus for expansion Also placed Latin American industries, transportation in foreign hands

MEXICO AND ARGENTINA Mexico and the Porfirato Argentina Porfirio Díaz elected president of the Mexican republic. Díaz's government attracted foreign investment Built up the nation's infrastructure,and initiated industrialization Although the appearance of democracy was retained Díaz's government suppressed all political opposition Much of economic growth was at the expense of urban laborers, the peasantry Both of which were largely Native American In 1910 popular dissatisfaction with Díaz's regime resulted in the Mexican Revolution. Argentina Argentina also had a liberal government Popularity depended on maintaining the boom in the export economy Argentina's labor force expanded through immigration from Europe European-born workers brought with them socialism Socialist Party emerged in Argentina in the 1890s Series of strikes followed by government repression typified the first decades of the 20th century. The middle-class Radical Party Promised political reform and enlightened labor policies to gain power in 1916. When faced with strikes, it, too, reacted repressively. The models of Mexico and Argentina Oligarchies composed of the traditional aristocracy and the middle classes Uneasily presiding over disgruntled laborers and peasants Could be found in other Latin American states where liberal modernization met resistance

THE USA IN LATIN AMERICA After the Civil War American capitalists turned to Latin America for investment Invested heavily in Mexico, Central America, Caribbean Spanish-American War between 1895 and 1898 First US war in Latin America since Mexican-American War Was intended to open door to valuable sugar plantations As a result of the war Former Spanish colony of Puerto Rico becomes US possession Cuba reduced to dependency of the United States Columbia and Panama Colombia proved reluctant to support US plans in Central America US backed Panama's independence movement In return, US got extensive rights to build a canal in the new nation Latin American nations Became increasingly critical of U.S. intervention in the region Critical of military, cultural, and economic penetration of the region

GLOBAL CONNECTIONS During the 19th century Former colonies of Latin America constructed new nations Latin America Was forced to forge economies In a world trade network already dominated by European nations Latin America cast off European imperialism in the 19th century New nations carried with them colonial social systems Were strictly hierarchical Small Creole elite dominated the economy and politics Native Americans, former slaves, peasants Marginalized Shared little of economic expansion of the second half of the century Latin America was 1st region of world to undergo decolonization. Latin America maintained ties to the West Imitated Western models Experienced growing influence of the United States Its dependent economy also kept it connected to the world.