Copyright © 2001, Prentice Hall, Inc. CHAPTER 5
2Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. ONE STEP
3Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. QUICK QUIZ What is... The systematic collection and interpretation of information to increase understanding
4Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Principles for Public Relations Research À Establish clear program objectives Á Differentiate between outputs & outcomes  Rely on several research techniques à Public relations effectiveness advertising effectiveness Ä Measure media content as a first step in evaluation Å Identify key messages, target audiences, & communication channels Æ Link evaluation to overall business goals, strategies, & tactics
5Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Research can: Describe a process, situation, or phenomenon Describe a process, situation, or phenomenon Explain why something is happening Explain why something is happening Predict what will probably happen if we DO or DO NOT take action Predict what will probably happen if we DO or DO NOT take action
6Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Types of Public Relations Research Applied Research Strategic Research + Evaluative Research
7Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Types of Public Relations Research Theoretical Research n Abstract n Conceptual
8Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. What are... n Surveys n Communication Audits n Unobtrusive Measures
9Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. n Reveal Attitudes n Reveal Opinions Descriptive Surveys Explanatory Surveys or
10Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Survey Elements n Sample n Questionnaire n Interview n Analysis of Results
11Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Research Sampling Random Sampling Simple Systematic Stratified Cluster
12Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Research Sampling Non-Random Sampling Convenience Quota Volunteer
13Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. n Keep it short n Measure intensity of feelings n Use everyday language n Pretest with colleagues n Attach an explanatory letter n Enclose a stamped envelope n Follow-up on first mailing n Distribute plenty of questionnaires n Provide a small reward Questionnaire DOs
14Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Questionnaire DON’Ts n Don’t ask open-ended questions n Don’t ask loaded questions n Don’t ask dual-answer questions
15Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. À What is a focus group? The Interview QUICK QUIZ Moderator leads a group discussion about specific opinions of interested people who are paid for their efforts
16Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Á What is a difference between drop-off interviews and Delphi panels? The Interview QUICK QUIZ Drop-off interviews use face-to-face interview techniques. Delphi panels use accepted opinion leaders.
17Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. In a typical analysis of results what is the average margin of error? Analyzing Results QUICK QUIZ
18Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Other Research Methods Communication Audit Unobtrusive Methods to solve: n Bottleneck info flow n Uneven communication workloads n Employees working at cross-purposes n Hidden info that needs to be shared n Conflicting info or notions n Content analysis n Readability indexes n Fact-finding
19Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Reporting back to Management Securing Management Commitment Determining best way to Gather Data Setting up Measurable Program Objectives Selecting Appropriate Outcomes
20Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. n Pre-test n Monitor On-going Programs n Post-test
21Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. Research and the...
22Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. n Establish objectives n Determine criteria n Determine benchmarks n Select the right measurement tool n compare results to objectives n Draw actionable conclusions
23Copyright ©2001 Prentice Hall, Inc