Impressions from CERN Elliott McCrory February 1, 2006
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 2/14 1 Feb 2006 Outline I was at CERN: 1/13/06 – 1/19/06 The CCC People Zimmerman, Wenninger, AB/OP people, Limon, etc. Implementing SDA for CERN? Observations on CERN Control System Other stuff Installed wireless Web Camera Left with Peter Limon –But must be on CERN campus net to see it
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 3/14 1 Feb 2006
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 4/14 1 Feb 2006 Overall Impressions French language is very important They are busy “What can you do for me?” They are busy We could begin to see some reticence in answering our remedial questions CERN is vibrant! Everyone is extremely friendly
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 5/14 1 Feb 2006 Orientation Mike Lamont Building 936 Prevessin Site CCC is across the street Building 874 CCC
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 6/14 1 Feb 2006 CERN Control Center
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 7/14 1 Feb 2006 Veronique Paris Common Console Manager Integrating old PS and SPS ways with new LHC ways They have integrated several disparate work units at CERN into the AB Department This is a BIG DEAL to them
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 8/14 1 Feb 2006 Frank Zimmerman Talked about CHEF at CERN Gave him a demo of CHEF Provided by Francois They are interested In the user interface by Francois, but Need a compelling reason to invest time in it We may be able to provide the expertise to demonstrate or to utilize it (I sat in on an Optics meeting: Discussed dynamic aperture as it relates to the style of crossing, HH, HV, etc.)
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc-117 9/14 1 Feb 2006 Jorg Winnenger Working on LOTS of things Orbit compensation Grad student: Ralph Steinhagen Has analyzed archived orbit data from LEP Thesis this summer? Local vs. global correction? Goal: 50 Hz Global Orbit Correction! Other areas they would want to see developed: Optics reconstruction/Beta Beating measurement CHEF?? Tune compensation (LARP already!) Would gladly accept assistance Would require ~1 week, face-to-face initiation
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc /14 1 Feb 2006 SDA for LHC T. Bolshakov and I propose to supply Sequenced Data Acquisition (SDA) to LHC Would benefit Fermilab Get a better SDA system, we think –BerkeleyDB-XML ( Improved modularization Web-based interactions AJAX instead of Java Web Start Would require CERN workers’ help Data acquisition “plug-ins” Specifying SDA for LHC Timofei is working on new SDA now: “Version 2.0.0” He will create “To Do List” shortly I am creating a detailed delineation of the high-level requirements from and from CERN for this application to be delivered E.g., access requirements, DB replications, etc.
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc /14 1 Feb 2006 SDA for LHC: CERN people Ronny Billen Relational Database Guru at CERN Seems willing to work with us to put SDA DB in a form they can work with Not happy about XML DB! Mike Lamont Has assigned two people to help with this Georges-Henry Hemelsoet –Visited Fermilab last summer Jerome Axensalva Likes the idea But cannot think about it now!
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc /14 1 Feb 2006 LHC Control System: Observations Suzanne will have more to say on this Definitions Campus Network Technical network (TN) All the “front ends” A couple of big omissions! No role-based access yet “No Packets Will Enter Or Leave The Technical Network” –I doubt that! Once you are in the TN, there are no further restrictions No “settings log” If you get into the TN and make a mistake, then they should be recording these activities! ACNET, EPICS, etc. all do this And it has been deemed crucial to operations Can/may we help with this?
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc /14 1 Feb 2006 Full Moon on top of the Juras!
E. McCrory AD/HQ; LARP-doc /14 1 Feb 2006 Conclusions CERN is a great place to visit now! They have plenty to do They can use dedicated help from us If we can define the jobs we think we can do I got positive noises from folks at CERN about SDA Mike Lamont, for example.