BEA Local Area Personal Income and Employment county data ( ), 04/21/2011 release. Estimates of detailed employment and wage data for the states of Michigan, Nevada, and Texas ( ) was provided by Don Grimes of the University of Michigan. BEA State Personal Income and Employment state and national data ( ), 03/23/2011 release. BLS Employment Projections national data ( and 2018), 12/11/2009 release. RSQE national forecast ( ), 06/30/2011 release.
BEA Local Area Population county data ( ), 04/21/2011 release. Census Population by age, sex, race, component of change county data ( ). BLS Labor Force county data ( ). CDC birth rate state data ( ). Census natality rate, survival rate, and net international migrant national data and forecast ( ). BLS Participation Rate national data and forecast ( ).
Forecast period extended to 2060 Integrated Custom Industry policy variables New Regional Population Update Improved data handling for Employment Update Calculator enhancements New Custom Units and Currency Types in results view New industry NAICS labels New Demographic policy variables
Last estimated July 2002 using data and a standard OLS regression approach New equation estimates separate responses for relative employment opportunity and relative real compensation rate, utilizing Instrumental Variable (IV) approach and data from
NewPrevious (for PI + v1.3) (from July 2002 work) Relative employment opportunity (REO) Relative real compensation rate (RWR)
Last estimated February 2001 using data New equation based on data NewPrevious (for PI + v1.3) (from February 2001 work) Residential Investment in Structures Non-Residential Investment in Structures
Last estimated September 2001 using data Regional scaling factors estimated September 2007 using data from New equation based on data for , intentionally aligning with previous regional scaling factor estimates, and avoiding recent housing price bubble and collapse
NewPrevious (for PI + v1.3) (from September 2001 work) Real Disposable Income Elasticity Population Elasticity