UK Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education Program September 10, 2014
2015 SNAP-Ed Grant Focus Behavior-focused evidence-based nutrition education Obesity prevention intervention Our target audience is the low income population
Social Ecological Framework
SNAP-Ed 2015 Policy Systems Environmental
Measuring NEP Social Ecological Impact in Kentucky Current Findings from 2012 Priority Indicators: – 551: Number of environmental changes implemented to support physical activity guidelines in the county – 28,890: Number that reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they produce/preserve – 51,450: Number that reported utilizing delivery systems/access points that offer healthy foods
Final KERS Community data collection piece: Overall Purpose/goal:________________________ End Result/ impact:
Other SNAP-Ed Notes Counting your piece of the PIE. Use of Reinforcement items
Professor Popcorn is Back! Youth Curriculum Grades 1 to 6 Focused on MyPlate and Food Groups Adapted from Texas A&M Extension
Important Deadlines Food reimbursements & replacement items: – Original receipts Mailed on or before September 19 nd – Receipts must be received by the NEP state office by 4:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, September 26 th – Purchases made after September 19 th will be at the county’s expense KERS SNAP-Ed data due October 10 th
Contacts Rita May – Reimbursement questions Leslie McCammish – Help with KERS Deonna Ralls – - Budget questions Debra Cotterill NEP department phone; (859) Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
UK Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education Program September 10, 2014 Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.