Courtney’s Career Timeline
1971 First Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) is awarded from the university of Illinois.
1983 Howard Gardner introduced his theory of multiple intelligence, arguing that intelligence is something to be used to improve lives not to measure and quantify human beings.
1988 American Psychological Society established.
1995 First Psychologists prescribe medication through the U.S. Military’s psychopharmacology program.
1996 The council of representatives of the American Psychological Association (APA) passed a resolution recognizing psychologists as health service providers.
1998 Psychology advances to the technological age with the rise of e- therapy.
1999 Psychologists in Guam gain prescription privileges for psychotropic medication.
2000 Psychologists held approximately jobs in 2000.
2002 New Mexico becomes the first state to pass a legislation allowing licensed psychologists to prescribe psychotropic medication..
2002 President George W. Bush promotes legislation that would guarantee comprehensive mental health coverage.
2006 A set of draft supervision guidelines for Coaching Psychology practice were presented for the first time to the international coaching psychology community.
2009 Psychologist, Amanda Nassif from Sydney Australia announced the launch of her new website Psychologists in Sydney.