Commission 2 Professional Education Workplan 2007-2010 Bela Markus.


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Presentation transcript:

Commission 2 Professional Education Workplan Bela Markus

2 University of West Hungary

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Schedule

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Professional education Mission: Improving knowledge infrastructure Promoting Good Practices Changes Scientific Technological Organisational Responses Curriculum development E-Learning Educational Management and Marketing Building new professions

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Specific aims Curriculum Development Managing changes Quality issues Recognition Disseminate e-Learning experiences Methods Tools Web services Metadatabase Knowledge pool - content CPD/LLL Educational Marketing and Management Needs analysis SEDB Awareness Networking – regional / global Knowledge management Business models

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Workgroup 2.1: Curricula development Chair: Bela Markus (Hungary) Needs analysis Serving the needs Bologna changes BSc / MSc / PhD / Professional masters Teaching methods PBL Quality Management Student feedback Accreditation Training Recognition Credit Transfer Sample Data with Case Studies

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Tools

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Projects

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, FIG MEASUREMENT SCIENCE LAND MANAGEMENT SPATIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT © Enemark, 2001 Professional Education Spatial Information Management Positioning and Measurement Engineering Surveys Cadastre & Land Management Spatial Planning & Development Valuation and the Management of Real Estate Construction Economics and Management Com2 Integrating

Bologna PhD Master Bachelor 10 Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, 2007

Bologna+ Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, PhD Master Bachelor Technician

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Awareness profession society

CPD Management Professional staff Technical – Administrative staff 13 Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, 2007

14 Systematic cycle Identify need Produce plan (target,by whom, when, how) Implement and record Evaluate results against need Source: Critten-Investing in people

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, PBL

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Participatory planning

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Workshop 1: Curricula development Prague, 7 -9 June 2007Prague Ales Cepek

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Workgroup 2.2: e-Learning Chair: Liza Groenendijk, ITC (Enschede, Netherlands) Tools Innovations Portals Content development Multimedia CBT Quiz Student support Club Library Communication Teamwork Metadata

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, WG 2.2 eLearning

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Technology changes Source: SRI Consulting Business Intelligence

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Support

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Metadata

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Standards Information Technology GI Science Education years from OpenSystems to OpenGIS years from islands to interoperatibility

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Workshop 2: e-Learning June 2008 Enschede Jointly with Com7 ?

Timing 26 Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, 2007


Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Workgroup 2.3: Marketing & Management Chair: Gert Steinkellner, BEV (Vienna, Austria) Perception of profession Market analysis Recruiting PR Brochures Newsletters Web QM ISO, EFQM Networking Academic members SEDB IPR ALUMNI LLL

KM 29 Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, 2007


Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Marketing © CUBER

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, FIG Academic Members

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Workshop 3: Marketing & Management March /June 2009 Vienna

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Workgroup 2.4: Real Estate Valuation and Management Education Joint WG with Commission 9 Policy Issues Surveyors are traditionally well educated to basics of real estate legislation and markets. In the present world requirements for knowledge in real estate are expanding fast. It is not anymore possible to educate surveyors to all traditional tasks in unified programs but the programs have to have real options where students can really specialise in real estate economics. This is needed in the market (thousands of new jobs) and examples of some countries show that this kind of education is possible and also very attractive for students and markets. Chair: Prof. Arvo Vitikainen (Helsinki, Finland),

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Outcomes Comm2 website FIG Publications in e-Learning Methods Content development Knowledge pool Web services Student support Experiences in CPD/LLL

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Outcomes Needs analysis of Commission 2 members and FIG Academic members Further development of the FIG Educational database and facilities using educational and internet standards - Educational Metadatabase Educational SDI Living contacts with Educational Commissions of International Organisations on the related professions (ICA, ISPRS, IAG AGILE etc.) Summer schools Joint projects

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Events 2007 Hong Kong May Prague June Latin America - Nov 2008 Valencia – February Enschede – June Stockholm – June 2009 Eilat May Vienna - March 2010 Sydney – 9-16 April

Report – Hong Kong ACCO Peer-review system – optional ToDo - Nominate reviewers General Assembly Surveyors – land professionals Stockholm – Integrating generations Eilat – Surveyors key role in accelerated development Annual Meeting Workplan Events Website Roundtable Proposed to use heavily ICT for communication between members (Skype, videoconference etc) Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Report – Hong Kong (2) Academic Members All member associations have the right to nominate a national delegate to Commission 2. In addition Academic Members and Affiliates are allowed to nominate a correspondent. Educational SDI Monthly newsletter Work with young surveyors – bottom-up Academic journal Communication Buzzwords FIG Foundation No grants in 2007 In Stockholm young professionals will be sponsored Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Report – Hong Kong (3) 17 presentations TS1E – Curriculum TS4E – e-Learning TS6E – Future TS7E – Marketing TS8E – Future Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague,

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Schedule

Markus, B.: Commission 2 Workplan, Prague, Prof. Bela Markus Faculty of Geoinformatics University of West Hungary Pirosalma u. 1-3 P.O. Box 52 H-8000 Szekesfehervar HUNGARY Tel Fax