29 July 2008 “ Towards a More Economically Sustainable Blue Mountains”
Key Directions: Working and Learning The local economy is strengthened and diversified Outcomes: Blue Mountains is a model for sustainable business and industry 25 Year Vision for the City Towards a more sustainable Blue Mountains
“I think of the Mountains as a place I leave. I leave to go to uni, I leave to go out at night, I leave to go shopping, I’ll have to leave to get a job and I will probably have to leave to buy a house. What I would hope for the younger people of 2025 is a place where they can stay in to do more things.” Young Blue Mountains Resident
What is Needed to Develop a Better Economic Future? Identify appropriate strategies to create economical development & jobs Strategies need to be resourced
Blue Mountains City Population vs Sydney (2001) Blue Mountains Sydney SD 12.3% people > 65years
0.6% average annual growth projected to 2026 Estimated resident populationAnnual change Year (ending 30/6)Number Percentage , ,3171, ,5063, ,985 Population Growth in the Blue Mountains
Local Employment
Source: Lawrence Consulting Unemployment Rate
Source: Lawrence Consulting Gross Regional Product
Source: Lawrence Consulting Gross Regional Product - $1,586.3m 2006/07
Source: Lawrence Consulting Gross Regional Product – Annual Industry Growth
Gross Regional Product IndustryBM2006/2007 NSW Accom., cafes, restaurants 6.6%2.2% Retail7.4%5.1% Manufacturing5.3%9.9% Health & Community 10.3%6% Education8.7%4.4% Source: Lawrence Consulting
Total 5,652 Businesses (actively trading & registered for GST) Source: Lawrence Consulting
Businesses by Turnover 50% < $100k 5.8% > $1m
Average Turnover all Businesses $389,000 Finance & Insurance… $1,109 Retail……………… …..$546 Accom. Cafes, Restaurants…………$730
Source: Lawrence Consulting Businesses by Workforce Size Ave Workforce size … Accom. Cafes/Rest. …13.0
Source: Lawrence Consulting Index of Economic Diversity
What Could the Better Future Forum Deliver? Developing business parks & industrial centres Closer more synergistic working relationships with adjoining local areas Actively attracting industry that is complementary to our World Heritage environment Developing business clusters and incubators to assist energising business Considering the need for economic development committees/structures
“I think of the Mountains as a place I stay. I stay to go to uni, I stay to go out at night, I stay to go shopping, I don’t have to leave to get a job and I will probably buy a house here.”