We Need Your Help!! By: Sydney Cooper & Mallory Beach
Men normally are away with the herds, but the woman and children are often left alone to face the difficulties at home. The health in the community is very poor and in Kenya, 2,700 children on average die each year. The food they do get to eat is normally undercooked or raw. If you donate then these kids could get at least one free cooked meal.
The Ed Colina Foundation is supporting early childhood schools. He is currently supporting three pre-schools in the Nairobi area. He used to support two others,(Esarunoto Masai and Kawethei School) but they did so well that they are now independent.
Highlands Middle School has decided to help raise money for a school for children in Eluaai, Kenya. We are doing this because people in Eluaai don’t have access to schools. People in Eluaai don’t have many cars and the closest school is 8km (5 miles) away.
Students in Eluaai need education because they want to make good lives for themselves. Kids there are far behind their peers because they don’t go to school until they are about 10 and are placed in classes with younger children then themselves. Few children make it to Standard 8 (8 th grade) and even fewer make it to high school. Those that do make it passed 8 th grade must attend sub-standard schools with poor teaching and low-quality facilities
Girls have a further disadvantage because they have to finish their chores before they can go to school. Also, if they have any brothers then they get first priority in the purchase of books and uniforms, even if the brother is younger than the sister.
Eluaai is located in the Southern area of Kenya. Eluaai, Kenya
Donating will help these poor kids in Africa survive and have great lives!!! It will help them get better jobs or any job at all. Plus, they get a free meal at school so that helps them survive. It’s the least we can do to help these poor innocent kids, considering how good we live.
Highlands Kenya
CREDITS Sydney Cooper and Mallory Beach Thanks For Watching!