UNIT 4 A garden of poems Period 6 Integrating skills Zhou Xiaoyan Jintang Experimental High SchoolOct.10.2008.


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Presentation transcript:

UNIT 4 A garden of poems Period 6 Integrating skills Zhou Xiaoyan Jintang Experimental High SchoolOct

Step1 Lead-in Present a Chinese poem with English translation, getting the students to read it and guess what it is in Chinese.

IN THE QUIET NIGHT A bed, I see a silver light I wonder if it’s frost aground Looking up, I find the moon bright Bowing, in home sickness I’m drowned

1. Pre-reading Get the students to prepare to read the text 2. While-reading Get the students to read the text and try to answer the following questions. Step 2 Reading

(1).Why does the writer like singing? (2).why does the writer like reading poems? (3).What are the techniques ( 技巧 ) of reading poetry mentioned in the passage? (4).What’s the main idea of this passage?

C. Now reading poems is part of the writer’s life. 3. Post-reading What can we infer from the passage? A. The writer likes reading poems and singing songs. B. The writer never look up the difficult words while studying English. Answer : C

Step 3 Listening & reading Dust of Snow - by Robert Frost The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued 铁杉树上 一只乌鸦 抖落雪尘 撒我一身 我的心情 因此变化 一天的懊丧 已不再留下 雪 尘 罗伯特■福斯特

In the poem, it is winter. The person in this poem once had a bad day, a day he or she wished had not happened. Later on that day he or she walked or stood under a tree. A crow shook its feathers, and snow from the tree fell down on him or her. This little event made him or her a bit less unhappy. Suggested answer:

Try to find the words that rhyme: crowmemood snow tree rued heart part

A change of mood from what mood? to what mood? bored, sad light-hearted, happy, enjoy the day’s beauty

RIGHT HERE WAITING - by Richard Marx Oceans apart, day after day, And I slowly go insane. I hear your voice on the line, But it doesn't stop the pain. If I see you next to never, How can I say forever? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. 此情可待 理查德 ■马克斯 远隔重洋,日复一日 思念几乎使我发狂 尽管电话中听到了你的声音 但却摆脱不了痛苦 如果从此再也不能相见 我们又怎么能说相爱到永远 无论你到何方,无论你在做什 么 我都会在此等你 无论付出怎样的代价 哪怕使我心碎 我也会在此等你

( Suggested answer: The person in the song (1) complains that his or her lover is very far away, maybe in the USA because there is an ocean between them. They almost never see each other, but they call each other. The “I” finds it very difficult to say that he or she will love the other for ever, because they are not together. Still, the “I” promises always to wait for the other, even if it breaks his or her heart. )

Step 4 Language points (1). Why do sth.? = Why do you do sth.? Why not do sth.?= Why don’t you do sth.? eg. Why look so anxious? Why tell the secret to him? Why not tell me earlier? Why not ask him for advice? (2). get through 度过

(3). fall into sth.: (a) develop or acquire sth. 养成 (b) be trapped by sth. 落入圈套 eg. fall into a bad habit They played a trick on him and he fell right into it. (4). start with 以 …… 开始 eg. Let’s start with a short poem. He often start his story with “Once upon a time”.

* Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Then the traveler in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Step 5 Writing:

1 Describe what the poem is about: This poem is about the stars in the sky. 2 Describe what images you see in your mind and what feelings the poem gives you: When I read the poem, it seems that a clear picture is shown before me. In the dark sky of night, there are hundreds of thousands of little stars that twinkle in the sky. They are far away from me, perhaps thousands of millions of miles away. I want very much to go further and see clearly what they are like. But I can’t. I can only see them like diamonds in my story books. 3 Describe what you think the poem is about when you think about it more deeply. Also, give your opinions about the poem. Guided writing

When I read the poem, I feel very happy and comfortable. Nature is beautiful and mysterious whether in the day or at night. There are many, many things like stars in the sky waiting for us to discover. This poem is about the stars in the sky. When I read the poem, it seems that a clear picture is shown before me. In the dark sky of night, there are thousands of little stars that twinkle in the sky. They are far away from me, perhaps thousands of millions of miles away. I want very much to go further and see clearly what they are like. But I can’t. I can only see them like diamonds in my story books. When I read the poem, I feel very happy and comfortable. Nature is beautiful and mysterious whether in the day or at night. There are many, many things like stars in the sky waiting for us to discover.

2.Collect English poem & make good preparations for the English poem recital to be held next week Homework: 1. Finish your essay after class.

Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky 再别康桥 徐志摩 轻轻的,我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。 *

Make him feel good/ better Make him feel something Help him get through the day BACK

Give him a strange feeling It is a special experience Have different feelings with different poems BACK

Don’t look up the meaning of the words Read alone and aloud Practice more Read different poems when having different feelings Recite them BACK

Answer: C A. We should read poems with doors closed. B. We should first sing songs then read poems. C. Reading poems can bring people pleasure just like singing a song. D. We should first read short poems then long ones. BACK

这是高二上第四单元综合技能课的教学设计. 该教案 获市二等奖和赛课二等奖. 该课文主要提供了一些英文诗的相关情景, 但读诗 对学生来说有很大的难度, 当我们无法用语言表达感受 时, 就应学会用神秘和灵性的诗去表达. 针对这种情况, 教 师在设计教案时创设了很好的情景, 让学生在一种身临 其境的情景中学习和运用语言. 在学习的过程中, 充分调 动学生的自主性, 培养了学生综合运用语言和创造性运 用语言的能力, 为学生充分提供了学习与活动空间, 体现 了综合技能课的特点. 教研室 尧宗俊 2008 年 10 月 29 日