Personal Selling Anticipate Buyer Questions 1. What are you selling? 2. Why do I need it? 3. Who is your company? 4. How much will it cost? 5. Who else is using it? Are they satisfied? 6. What kind of person are you? 7. How does your solution compare to alternatives? 8. Is price competitive? 9. Why do I need it now? 10. Your record for support & service?
Figure 3-6: Who’s Spending Money on SFA Pharmaceuticals/health Autos/heavy equipment Computer/software Consumer products Telecommunications Insurance Media/entermainment 80% 67% 65% 64% 59% 58% 56% Industry Percentage of firms spending money on SFA
Figure 3-5: Servicing the Sale: The Four Pillars of Sales Support Support the buying decision Manage the implemen- tation Deal with dissat- isfaction Enhance the rela- tionship Sales Support
Preinteraction phase Preinteraction phase Interaction phase Interaction phase Postinteraction phase Postinteraction phase Skills: Precall planning Skills: Precall planning Skills: Relating Need discovery Advocating Closing Skills: Relating Need discovery Advocating Closing Skills: Supporting Implementing Dealing with dissatisfaction Enhancing the relationship Skills: Supporting Implementing Dealing with dissatisfaction Enhancing the relationship Chapter 3
Personal Selling Sales Presentations ° Formal Written proposal Visual aids Support materials ° Features/benefits ° Involvement -- demonstrations
Personal Selling The Selling Process Pre-Interaction Interactionl Post-Interaction Skills: Precall Planning Skills: Relating Need discovery Advocating Closing Skills: Supporting Implementing Dealing with dissatisfaction Enhancing the relationship
Personal Selling Handling Concerns Listen to the buyers feelings Share concerns without judgment Clarify real issue with questions Problem-solve present options and solutions Ask for ACTION to determine commitment
Personal Selling Pseudo-Concerns “I’ll have to talk it over with Frank.” “I’ll get back to you.” “I’m too busy right now.” “Our budget is tight this year.” “We have no room to store it.”
Personal Selling Closing Techniques Selling Importance by Product Technique Industrial Consumer Direct Ask for the order in a 1 1 straight-forward manner Summary Summarize the benefits already 23 covered in the presentation Single Obstacle Asks for the order if last 34 last obstacle is overcome Assumption Assume readiness to buy and 42 focus on the transaction details Choice Focus on version to be ordered 55
Personal Selling Pillars of Sales Support Support Buying Decision Reduce buyer anxiety Make a follow-up call Ask for feedback Manage the Implementation Assist w/ approval process Introduce support resources Monitor & report progress
Personal Selling Pillars of Sales Support Deal with Dissatisfaction Empathize with the buyer Respond to problems -- use objection handling techniques Anticipate buyer concerns and expectations Reinforce the Benefits
Personal Selling Pillars of Sales Support Enhance the Relationship Be a resource for info, help and ideas Grow the business internally Ask for referrals Be available Arrange continued personal communications Maintain quality of products/services Provide ongoing updates and progress reports
SURVEY OF COMPUTER BENEFITS SAMPLE:24 Companies voted best sales forces in their respective industries RESULTS: »18 of 24(75%) are computerized »Benefits : Improved sales productivity Efficiency Customer service Information more accessible Reduces administrative chores »Acceptance: Most sales people have taken to PCs enthusiastically
SURVEY OF COMPUTER BENEFITS SAMPLE:24 Companies voted best sales forces in their respective industries RESULTS: »18 of 24(75%) are computerized »Benefits : Improved sales productivity Efficiency Customer service Information more accessible Reduces administrative chores »Acceptance: Most sales people have taken to PCs enthusiatically
Personal Selling Pre-Call Planning What do I want to accomplish? What do I know about the prospect? Where can I find the information? What am I going to say?
Personal Selling Pre-Approach Information Need 1. Business of company? 2. Its products & markets? 3. Actual purchase decision maker? 4. Who handles purchase process? 5. Who influences buying? 6. How often is purchase of my product made? 7. Who is competition? How much business with competition? 8. What company plans could affect future need for my product?
Personal Selling Pre-Approach Information Need 9. How well is customer satisfied with current supplier? 10. Does this company provide enough business to make visit worthwhile? 11. Is company staff technically informed? Can we help them develop greater expertise? 12. Can we use their products or services in our company? 13. Our top exec know any of their top execs personally?
Personal Selling The Approach: Reducing Relationship Anxiety ProprietyShow buyer respect; dress appropriately CompetenceKnow your product/service; third-party references CommonalityCommon interests, views, acquaintances IntentReveal purpose of call, process, and payoff to the buyer
Personal Selling Task Motives ProductivityMoney More Output or Quality Less Cost More Profit Less Effort
Personal Selling Personal Motives RespectPower RecognitionApproval
Personal Selling Needs Discovery Types of questions 1. Permission Close-ended 2. Fact-finding Factual information 3. Feeling finding Open-ended questions 4. Checking questionsConfirm understanding
Personal Selling Sales Proposals -- General Format 1. Problem Analysis 2. Solution 3. Product Specifications 4. Cost-benefit analysis 5. Contract