Martyn Lewis 13 th February 2009
©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL MARKET-PARTNERS Market-Partners is the world’s leading independent consulting company focused upon increasing business-to-business organizational sales effectiveness 100+ Client organizations 30,000+ sales professionals 37+ countries
© 2008 Market-Partners Inc. — CONFIDENTIAL 3 | 17% THE SELLING CRISIS
RULE #1 ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL When you are committed to a selling process, it really helps if there is someone else involved who is equally committed to a buying process
FIRST GENERATION SELLING ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL BUYING: Communication: Face to face Choice: Few Process: Simple SELLING: Focus: Product Success: Selling skills
SECOND GENERATION SELLING ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL BUYING: Communication: Telephone Choice: Some Process: Multi-transactional SELLING: Focus: Solution Success: Sales process
EMPOWERED BUYERS © 2008 Market-Partners Inc. — CONFIDENTIAL 8 |
SHIFT HAPPENS © 2008 Market-Partners Inc. — CONFIDENTIAL 11 |
©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Is sales now just a spectator sport?
THIRD GENERATION SELLING ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL BUYING: Communication: Internet Choice: Unlimited Process: Multi-dimensional SELLING: Focus: Buying process Success: Synchronizing selling to the buying process
STEPPING UP TO 3 rd GENERATION SELLING Step 1: Map the customer’s buying process Step 2: Craft the organizational selling strategy Step 3: Synchronize selling to buying ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
STEP 1: Map the customer’s buying process ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
BUYING IS NOT A RANDOM ACTIVITY ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Steady state RecognitionAssessDefinitionEvaluationSelectionPurchaseAcquire Consistent and predictable steps Key players by function or role Value drivers and buying style
4-Q BUYING MODEL ChoiceUnique I know You know Any one of many suppliers can offer what I need Only one supplier can provide what I need I have a need, and I know what I want I have a need, and I don’t know what I want ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
4-Q BUYING MODEL ChoiceUnique I know You know Free Discounts ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
BUYING STYLE AND DRIVERS ChoiceUnique I know You know Competition Price Good enough Strategic sourcing ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
BUYING STYLE AND DRIVERS ChoiceUnique I know You know Brand Service Provision of unique value Relationship Competition Price Good enough Strategic sourcing ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
BUYING STYLE AND DRIVERS ChoiceUnique I know You know Brand Service Provision of unique value Relationship Competition Price Good enough Strategic sourcing Expertise Capability ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
BUYING STYLE AND DRIVERS ChoiceUnique I know You know Brand Service Provision of unique value Relationship Competition Price Good enough Strategic sourcing Expertise Capability Educated customers In-house expertise ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
STEP 2: Craft the organizational selling strategy ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
SELLING STRATEGY ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL 1.Market focus Which quadrant? How to move customers to that quadrant? How to manage outside of that focus? 2.Where to engage in the buying process? 3.How to influence the buying process?
INFLUENCING THE BUYING PROCESS © 2008 Market-Partners Inc. — CONFIDENTIAL 1.Gain new opportunities 2.Increase probability of selection 3.Decrease time to commitment 4.Increase size of spend
STEP 3: Synchronize selling with buying ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
Steady state RecognitionAssessDefinitionEvaluationSelectionPurchaseAcquireUnderstandIdentifyDiscovery Conceptual approach ProposalReinforceNegotiateExpand SYNCHRONIZING SELLING WITH BUYING The buying process is the dominant process The buying process step and style dictates the optimal selling activities, that will: Increase probability of being selected Decrease time through buying process Increase size of investment ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
Steady state RecognitionAssessDefinitionEvaluationSelectionPurchaseAcquire MANAGING THE TOTAL PIPELINE ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL 1.Determine the optimal pipeline to maximize results 2.Balance investment across the total pipeline 3.Maintain a healthy pipeline of opportunities synchronized to the buying process
LETTING GO OF THE PAST 1.You can’t differentiate in a commodity world 2.Calling high is the key to success 3.Managing a sales opportunity 4.Shortening the sales cycle 5.ROI to gain commitment 6.A single decision maker 7.Forecast probabilities 8.Finding latent pain 9.Solution selling 10.Selling harder = Success ©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS HAS CHANGED © 2008 Market-Partners Inc. — CONFIDENTIAL 3 rd Generation Selling Synchronizing selling to buying 3 rd Generation Selling Synchronizing selling to buying 1 st Generation Selling Improving selling skills 1 st Generation Selling Improving selling skills 2 nd Generation Selling Implementing a sales process 2 nd Generation Selling Implementing a sales process
Questions? ©2009 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL RESOURCES Roundtable discussion with a Principal from Market-Partners Focused conversation: Applicability to your business Areas of immediate return
©2008 Market-Partners Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Thank you Martyn Lewis