IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation Report to SSCS Adcom Bryan Ackland 8/15/11
Members of CEDA Societies APS CAS CS EDS SSCS MTT Tech. Member Org. DAC ICCAD T-CAD D&T CANDE DATC E mbedded S ystems L etters D esign T echnology C ommittee SSCS Reps to CDA BOG: Bryan Ackland & Jan Rabaey
CEDA Highlights (1) Design Technology Committee Now a member technology organization of CEDA CAD user community to identify gaps, best practices & seek compatibility, standards, drive roadmaps Counterpart to EDAC 12 members from industry (Intel, HP, IM, STMicro, Broadcom etc.) Conferences & Workshops –Currently sponsor 9 financial plus 11 technical –Unused portion of 2010 surplus to but 26% share of DATE 2011 conference (Grenoble) 1400 attendees (+8%) Conference + Trade Show: financially very successful –DAC 2011 (San Diego) 1,746/6,350 attendees Exhibiting companies up from 193 to 204 –Would like to increase presence in ASPDAC –New workshop: Frontiers in Analog Circuit Synthesis & Verification
CEDA Highlights (2) Financial –Budgeting process hampered by pessimistic EOY forecasts from IEEE –Nov 2010: 2011 budget showed surplus $65K –EOY 2010: IEEE adjusts numbers to show deficit of $57K Decline in IEEE periodicals & sales applied to all societies/councils Reduction in projected DAC surplus –Work closely with IEEE financial analyst on DAC numbers and reduce some cost items in budget –Apr 2011: projected surplus $98K –Reserves $609K (2010) projected to $702K (2011) On track to reach goal of $1M by 2015 Design & Test Magazine –Computer Society decided to withdraw –From Jan 2010, will be jointly owned by CEDA, CASS and SSCS –Currently putting together Steering Committee (budget, scope etc) Awards –2011 Newton Award: Jason Cong & Eugene Ding for “Pioneering Work in Mapping FPGAs”
© 2006 IBM Corporation 2011 Budget Forecast2011 budget2010 actuals IncomeExpenseNetIncomeExpenseNetIncomeExpenseNet Interest income0.0 TCAD ESL (1.3) Periodical related other (17.1) (17.1)0.08.9(8.9) Newsletters0.03.9(3.9)0.03.9(3.9)0.03.9(3.9) Non periodical sales (7.6)0.07.6(7.6)0.03.2(3.2) Meetings/confere nces 1,367.31, ,367.31, ,421.91, Conf related IEEE administration (134.5) (134.5) (134.5) Committee/other (99.3) (90.3) (119.0) TOTAL 1,941.11, ,941.11, ,000.01, Budget Forecast (4/11)