اعداد الطالب : محمود تيسير الخالدي تحت اشراف : أ. ياسمين البوبو الرقم الجامعي : كلية : IT جامعة فلسطين
Trade is based on supply and demand of goods, and to make payment electronically through the tools and applications on the Internet ensure that the buyer and the seller their full rights Is a set of production processes, marketing, sales and purchase through the use of Internet applications What is the stage of advanced trade, used applied information and communication technology
There are five types of popular e-commerce, which is classified buying and selling with a different class of buyers and sellers The first type is (B2B) is an abbreviation for Business-to-Business The second type is the most famous (B2C) which stands for Business-to-Consumer The third type of types of e-commerce is (B2E) is an abbreviation of the word Business-to-Employee Type IV is (B2G) is an abbreviation for Business-to-Government The fifth and final (C2C) is an abbreviation for Consumer-to-Consumer