For the love of…
For the love of…our planet Each of the last three decades was warmer than the last. The ‘noughties’ was the hottest decade on record.
Globally, since the 1970s, droughts are getting longer and more widespread. For the love of…our planet
There has been a substantial global increase in large floods over the 20th century. For the love of…our planet
For the love of…sustainability 90% of people who die in natural disasters live in the poorest countries. Zimbabwe ranks 156 out of 187 (monitored) countries for development and has seen many natural disasters, particularly flooding. However, Jesuit students in Zimbabwe are working hard to protect our planet…
Who decides? These are questions about power. Who makes choices? Who benefits and who loses? Natural Economic Social Who decides
Natural These are questions about the environment, both built and natural and their relationship. Natural Economic Social Who decides
Social These questions are people, their relationships, traditions, cultures. Natural Economic Social Who decides
Economic There are questions about money, trading, aid ownership, buying and selling. Natural Economic Social Who decides
Looking back at the photos and the questions, how does it compare to your own school? Can you find similarities? For the love of…your school
Three ways to change our world for the better For the love of…your school
Or if you can’t be at the march in June… …become a sustainable school e.g. by signing up to Eco-Schools
Pray All creation reflects the beauty and blessing of God. Where did I see/feel this beauty and blessing most today? Can I pinpoint how I made an effort to care for God’s creation today? What challenges or joys do I experience when I think about the way I care for creation? If I break my relationship with creation, e.g. through feeling superior to it, how can I repair it?
Help fundraise for Jesuit Missions so we can support sustainability projects in Zimbabwe and elsewhere! Give