Newsquest Media Sales - driving you through the Yorkshire dales Quality titles in the heart of Yorkshire in association with Specsavers
Four distinctive paid for weekly titles Craven Herald & Pioneer - Circ. 19,529. R’ship. 49,576. Paid Weekly Broadsheet Ilkley Gazette - Circ. 5,750. R’ship. 14,038. Paid Weekly Broadsheet Keighley News - Circ. 16,620. R’ship. 43,982. Paid Weekly Broadsheet Wharfedale & Airedale Observer - Circ. 5,440. R’ship. 14,551. Paid Weekly Broadsheet Source: ABC. Jul-Dec JICREG 01/05/05
Craven Herald & Pioneer Ilkley Gazette Keighley News Wharfedale & Airedale Observer The territory
The people Total population200,939 ABC1101,764 C2DE 99,175 Marginally ABC1 region with a strong bias towards the age group Source: JICREG 01/05/05 %
Title penetration - All adults - of the Newsquest weekly circulation area Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Title penetration - All adults - of the Newsquest weekly circulation area Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Title penetration - ABC1 adults - of the Newsquest weekly circulation area Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Title penetration - ABC1 adults - of the Newsquest weekly circulation area Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Combined readership figures The total unduplicated readership for the Newsquest weeklies is 108,682 inc 52,974 ABC1 Adults Source: JICREG: 01/05/05
The value of the Yorkshire weeklies - measured against the Yorkshire Post circulation area Adding the Newsquest weeklies to The Yorkshire Post will deliver you: 95,000 unique additional readers* 44,000 unique additional ABC1 readers In some of the most exclusive areas of Yorkshire * Almost 6% of the population of West Yorkshire Source: JICREG 01/05/05
The value of the Yorkshire weeklies - measured against The Yorkshire Post Circulation area Source: JICREG 01/05/05 52%+ 36%+ Only 3.9% duplication Only 6% duplication
Maximising Reach - Newsquest Paid Weeklies 48.54% points more in first round With only 17% duplication % Source: JICREG May 2005/Choices Analysis
Focus on Ilkley One of the most affluent towns in Yorkshire – population approx. 25, miles from Leeds, 15.6 miles from Bradford
Readership & population profile Local titles match the local population profile, optimising reach and reducing wastage Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Average issue readership - Ilkley Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Local Titles for local people… optimising reach and reducing wastage Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Summary The Newsquest weekly package delivers a unique audience in the heart of Yorkshire Four strong & distinctive paid broadsheet titles dominate their local markets High quality local editorial offers strong platforms A tremendous complement to your regional and national media schedule
Individual title readership profile and demographic reach All date sourced from JICREG 01/05/05
Craven Herald & Pioneer - Readership profile & demographic reach % Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Keighley News - Readership profile & demographic reach % Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Wharfedale & Airedale Observer - Readership profile & demographic reach % Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Ilkley Gazette - Readership profile & demographic reach % Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Three key paid for daily titles Bradford Telegraph & Argus - Circ. 45,069. R’ship. 126,276. Paid Daily Tabloid Yorkshire Post - Circ. 57,976. R’ship. 181,193. Paid Daily Broadsheet Yorkshire Evening Post - Circ. 68,635. R’ship. 207,657. Paid Daily Tabloid Source: ABC. Jul-Dec JICREG 01/05/05
Yorkshire Post - Readership profile % Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Yorkshire Evening Post - Readership profile % Source: JICREG 01/05/05
Bradford Telegraph & Argus - Readership profile % Source: JICREG 01/05/05