NAU ALUMNI What Do We Know About Them & What Are They Telling Us?
NAUAA Mission: Engage Alumni in the life of Northern Arizona University (current abbreviated rendition) Engage Alumni in the life of Northern Arizona University (current abbreviated rendition) University Advancement Mission: Support the university and its mission, enhance its reputation, and compel private investment by creating and nurturing relationships with the university’s constituents (current draft) Support the university and its mission, enhance its reputation, and compel private investment by creating and nurturing relationships with the university’s constituents (current draft)
Major Themes Our alumni know us and even think we are doing a reasonable job, but they are not active with us. Our alumni know us and even think we are doing a reasonable job, but they are not active with us. Major complaint is related to our ability to keep alums informed -- about the university and fellow alums. Second, to provide them mechanisms to connect. Major complaint is related to our ability to keep alums informed -- about the university and fellow alums. Second, to provide them mechanisms to connect. Take-Away Message Must provide a variety of ways in which alums can connect and these strategies should build on or leverage each other Must provide a variety of ways in which alums can connect and these strategies should build on or leverage each other
Major Demographic Trends There are two fairly consistent trends across time -- 80% of Alums are white and 55% of Alums are female There are two fairly consistent trends across time -- 80% of Alums are white and 55% of Alums are female Over 35% of Alums are in the age category Over 35% of Alums are in the age category 65% of Alums are in Arizona, with major out-of-state Alumni concentrations in San Diego and Denver 65% of Alums are in Arizona, with major out-of-state Alumni concentrations in San Diego and Denver Bachelors-Masters Ratio for Alumni is approximately Bachelors-Masters Ratio for Alumni is approximately 70-30
82% of members are not active. Of those who are active, most are only slightly active. Generally, how active a member are you in the Northern Arizona Alumni Association?
Most alumni think the Association is doing a good job Overall, how would you rate the job that the NAU Alumni Association is doing serving the needs of the alumni?
When asked why they think the Association is doing a good or excellent job, the most frequent response is that the Alumni Association keeps them well informed BASE: Those who say the Association is doing an excellent or good job.
Alumni give Association high ratings on communicating and fundraising; low ratings on keeping alumni in contact with each other
Members under 30 are the least likely to say that the Alumni Association is doing a good job keeping them in touch with other members. Job Rating: Providing a mechanism for alumni to stay in contact with each other.
81% of alumni receive the PINE magazine by mail
78% of those that receive PINE find it extremely or somewhat valuable How valuable is the PINE magazine? Base: Those who receive magazine
35% of members would like to see PINE come out more than twice a year The PINE magazine comes out twice a year. Would you like it to be sent to you monthly, four times a year, twice a year, or less often?
LouiE-news is less known by members. Only 19% of members receive the newsletter Do you receive LouiE-News, an newsletter from the Alumni Association?
33% of alumni find the newsletter very informative, and 46% find it somewhat informative. However, 14% of those who receive the LouiE-News do not read it at all How informative is the LouiE-News? Base: Those who receive LouiE-News
LouiE-News appeals to a wide range of age groups % of age group that receive LouiE-News
36% of Alumni prefer to receive information by Would you prefer to receive the LouiE-News and other information by or would you prefer to receive information by other forms of communications?
Less than 10% of members visit the web- site more than twice a year. 70% of members never visit the website How often do you visit the NAU Alumni Association website?
Among those who feel positively about the Association’s communication, a website visit most discriminates on overall satisfaction BASE: Those who rate communication from the Alumni Association as good or excellent.
OVER HALF of the alumni are UNABLE to name an event or activity held by the Alumni Association. And of those cited, homecoming is the most well known event, but only 36% listed it.
80% of members would definitely or probably attend one of the events
Most members would travel to Flagstaff for an event, but 77% say that they would be more likely to attend if it were held in their city Would you travel to Flagstaff for a special event? For those who would travel, how much time would you be willing to spend traveling to Flagstaff? Would you be more likely to attend a special event if it were held in your city?
Almost 40% of members would like to attend an event at least twice a year. Almost three-quarters would attend at least once a year How frequently would you like to attend events?
Although 87% approve of advocacy on the part of the Alumni Association, less than 30% would actually take action Do you think that the NAU Alumni Association should work to increase visibility with the State Legislature in an effort to advance NAU goals? Would you be willing to write editorials or visit with state legislators to increase NAU visibility with Arizona’s government?
Engagement to What End Most clearly articulated in the mission statement for the university advancement office. Most clearly articulated in the mission statement for the university advancement office. -- to compel private investment -- to compel private investment Based on peer data and advancement trend experience, we know alumni are engaged primarily through relationship building -- or more to the point, getting alumni active/involved/connected. Based on peer data and advancement trend experience, we know alumni are engaged primarily through relationship building -- or more to the point, getting alumni active/involved/connected. We now know this is also true for NAU, even in our small population of givers and people who consider themselves active. We now know this is also true for NAU, even in our small population of givers and people who consider themselves active.
Contributors and Contributions Less than ¼ of all alumni have ever contributed Less than ¼ of all alumni have ever contributed Highest concentration of lifetime giving can be found in $1- 99 category Highest concentration of lifetime giving can be found in $1- 99 category Only 63 alumni have given a one-time gift of $10,000+ Only 63 alumni have given a one-time gift of $10,000+ At the lower end of the contribution scale, the male-female proportion is the same as the general population. However, men contribute proportionately higher in the higher contribution categories. At the lower end of the contribution scale, the male-female proportion is the same as the general population. However, men contribute proportionately higher in the higher contribution categories. Older alumni contribute larger amounts Older alumni contribute larger amounts 40% of total contributions come from out-of-state alumni, slightly more than their proportion of the total population 40% of total contributions come from out-of-state alumni, slightly more than their proportion of the total population Most likely to give are athletes – 55% have contributed Most likely to give are athletes – 55% have contributed Only 7% of the alumni have given more than 50% of the years since their graduation Only 7% of the alumni have given more than 50% of the years since their graduation Contributor breakdown by degree is about (bachelors-advanced), mimicking the general population. Likewise education-related alumni represent the highest proportion of contributors Contributor breakdown by degree is about (bachelors-advanced), mimicking the general population. Likewise education-related alumni represent the highest proportion of contributors
Contribution by Demographic Categories Most likely to contribute (41% have contributed) 62% of Active Members 62% of Active Members 51% of out-of-state residents 51% of out-of-state residents 48% living alone and 46% of those living with one person 48% living alone and 46% of those living with one person 52% of those with children not at home 52% of those with children not at home 52% of those making $50K to $75K 52% of those making $50K to $75K 55% of those over 40 years old 55% of those over 40 years old Less likely to contributed (59% did not donate) 82% of those under 40 82% of those under 40 81% of renters 81% of renters 73% of those making less than $40K 73% of those making less than $40K 64% of in-state residents 64% of in-state residents Note: Definition of contribution is from indication on file listing of alumni.
Contributors are more active than non-contributors -- Survey contributors are more active than record contributors Percent that are active in the Alumni Association
Contributors are more likely to rate the job that the Alumni Association is doing as good or excellent. Survey Contributors rate the job the Alumni Association is doing higher than record contributors % Who rate the job the Alumni Association as good or excellent
What Have We Learned? Active alumni are more likely to ultimately give back to the institution Active alumni are more likely to ultimately give back to the institution Alumni are more likely to consider themselves active when they are able to connect to the institution and to each other Alumni are more likely to consider themselves active when they are able to connect to the institution and to each other Opportunities and strategies for communicating and connecting, appear to be the key in getting alumni to see themselves as active and satisfied constituents Opportunities and strategies for communicating and connecting, appear to be the key in getting alumni to see themselves as active and satisfied constituents