These are two population pyramids, they show the numbers of males and females and their ages in a given country. These pyramids represent Russia and Ghana Your task; Work out which one you think is Russia and explain your decision! Russian Population pyramid through time
Learning Objectives ALL: must describe the population distribution of Russia MOST: should be able to compare and contrast the Russian population to other EU countries SOME: could predict the problems of a declining/slow growth rate in Russia
Your Task You are going to be researching the population structure of Russia. Around the room is some information about Russia’s people, religion and languages. Your task is to move around the room when instructed to and collect as much information as possible.
photographs-reveal-beauty-poverty-endured-143m-people.html Make notes showing what these images tell you about the Russian people.
Your Task Using the information you have collected your task is to write a report to the Russian Government describing and explaining about the diverse population of Russia.
To finish off! 2 Stars and a wish! 2 stars = 2 things you have learned from todays lesson A wish = something you wish to know about Russia.