PNPI polarized target for pion-nucleon scattering measurements at intermediate energies A.V Aldushchenkov, A.G. Dernyatin, A.I. Kovalev, D.V. Novinsky, I. Okunev, V.A. Shchedrov, V.V. Sumachev, V.Yu. Trautman. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad district, , Russia. I.G. Alekseev, P.E. Budkovsky, V.P. Kanavets, L.I. Koroleva, B.V. Morozov, V.M. Nesterov, V.V. Ryltsov, D.N. Svirida, A.D. Sulimov. Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, , Russia. N.A. Bazhanov, E.I. Bunyatova Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow district, , Russia. D. Novinsky (PNPI)
The polarization parameters (P, R, A) measurement results above pion momentum above 1000 MeV/c made it possible to resolve part of discrete ambiguities in existing partial-wave analyses (PWA’s) The polarization experiments at N-elastic scattering use the proton polarized target. The experiment uses a polarized proton target in which free protons have vertical polarization or polarization in the elastic scattering plane. Uncertainty (abs.) is ±~2% at 70% of polarization magnitude. The area under the PMR curve is determined using a Q meter. Preface D. Novinsky (PNPI)
The physics goals D. Novinsky (PNPI)
Experimental Setup, ITEP (Moscow) D. Novinsky (PNPI) MAIN ELEMENTS: Vertically polarized proton target PT 4 sets of wire chambers for tracking Trigger scintillation counters TARGET: Cylinder 30mm, h=30mm, propanediole C 3 H 8 O 2, free proton density 10 % Magnetic field 2.5 T 3 He evaporation type cryostat at 0.5 K Dynamic nuclear orientation Polarization (70-80) %, measurement accuracy ±2 % Sign reverse once per day Beam Arm Proton Arm Pion Arm I Pion Arm II Pion Beam
Cryostat in the vertical sectional view D. Novinsky (PNPI) 1 – helium-3 pump-out 2 – neck 3 – helium-4 pump-out 4,11 – nitrogen screens 5,21 – helium inputs 6– nitrogen tank 7– magnet 8 – window 9 – magnet frame 10 – housing 12 – indium compaction 13 – rotating tee-joint 14 – helium-4 output through current-input 15 – connection to current source 16 – current-input compaction and helium-4 output 17 – current-input 18 – helium tank (at 4.2 K) 19 – refrigerator 20 – appendix with target (C 3 H 8 O 2 ) matter
Target: topview plane D. Novinsky (PNPI) 1 – target window, 2 – nitrogen screen, 3 – magnet area, 4 – container with the target (C 3 H 8 O 2 ) matter inside superconductive Helmholz coils
Polarization measurements D. Novinsky (PNPI) polarization pump by the dynamic nuclear orientation method up to absolute value 70– 80% method of proton magnetic resonance (PMR), measurements are based on the calculations of square under the PMR curve: the system containing Q-meter with sequential contour and signal digitalization Calibration is based on the equilibrium state at temperature 0.8 – 1.4 K
Polarization measurements D. Novinsky (PNPI) Signal and background Background: to take away signal from center by means of the magnetic field change
Polarization measurements D. Novinsky (PNPI) Calibration: the equilibrium state
Electronic providing of the polarized target Modernization of the target measurements Two PCI-cards are inserted into the PC-board (Remote computer PC1 ). Usage of PCI-card DAS6036 and the PCI-card PCI-1723 ADC and DAC with grade ≥ 14 bit, transformation is run by timer FIFO Transformation time ≤ 8 s Usage of the new current source “Lambda-Genesys” for power supply of superconductive coils D. Novinsky (PNPI)
Current situation D. Novinsky (PNPI) PCI-cards and programs are tested at PNPI Current source is tested at PNPI and ITEP (Moscow) Target location: ITEP To continue spin rotation parameters mearurements, e.g. J-PARC at PNPI accelerator Cryostat at PNPI Netron Physics Department
More than 20 years experiments Conclusions Acknowledgements GREAT THANKS to the Organizing Committee ! ! ! D. Novinsky (PNPI) Successful target work > 20 years Modernization and new tests are required New physics tasks In memory of A.I. Kovalev ( )
PCI-card PCI-DAS6036 Low-cost, 16-channel, 200 kS/s analog I/O boards with two 16-bit analog outputs, eight digital I/O, and two counter/timers 16 channels of 16-bit A/D resolution 200 kS/s maximum sample rate 2 channels of 16-bit D/A at 10 kHz 8 bits DIO 2 16-bit counters D. Novinsky (PNPI)
PCI-card PCI-1723 (Advantech) 16-bit, 8-channel Non-isolated Analog Output CardMain Features Auto calibration function A 16-bit DAC is equipped for each analog output channel Synchronized output function Output values retained after system hot reset 2-port (16-channel) user-defined digital input/output Board ID D. Novinsky (PNPI)