Living Donor Committee Update Mary Amanda Dew, PhD November 12-13, 2014
Three proposals considered by the Board today: Proposal to Require Reporting Aborted Living Donor Organ Recovery Procedures Proposal to Modify Existing or Establish New Requirements for the Informed Consent of Living Donors Proposal to Modify Existing or Establish New Requirements for the Psychosocial and Medical Evaluation of Living Donors Current Projects
1. Clarify the Status of Domino Donor Current practice is inconsistent regarding whether domino donors are considered as living donors or recipients for policy requirements and compliance. Working with the Thoracic, Operations and Safety and Liver Committees to draft proposed policy language Planning for August 2015 public comment Current Projects – All promote Strategic Goal # 5 – Promote Living Donor Safety
2. Improve UNet sm Reporting of Aborted Procedures and Non Transplanted Organs Small policy clarification project to ensure living donor recovery programs report aborted living donor recovery procedures Current policy does not specifically require reporting aborted living donor recovery procedures on the Living Donor Feedback/Add Donor form Current Projects
3. New Requirements for the Transport of Living Donor Organ Joint project with the Operations & Safety Committee Longstanding project which has not progressed due to lack of supporting evidence Planning to use the Healthcare Failure Mode Effects Analysis (HFMEA) process to advance project Current Projects
Minimum Requirements for Living Kidney Donor Follow-up Policy 18.5 Reporting Requirements after Donation Effective February 1, 2013 First preliminary results reported at the World Transplant Congress in July 2014 Recent Projects
How many kidney programs are meeting the thresholds required in the new policy?
Percent of LKD Programs Meeting the Initial Policy Thresholds for LKD Follow-up, 6-months post- donation
Is there variation in LKD follow-up reporting among programs?
Percent of Each Program’s LKDs with 6-Month LDF with Lab Data within 60 Days of Donation Anniversary (Feb-Oct 2013)
75.1% of programs met 50% threshold for lab data
Percent of Each Program’s LKDs with 6-Month LDF with Lab Data within 60 Days of Donation Anniversary (Feb-Oct 2013) 24.9% of programs did not meet 50% threshold
In each of the past several years, the Committee has coordinated sending a letter to each living donor recovery program reporting the status of their follow-up. The Committee is preparing to send a letter reporting the status of each living donor recovery center’s follow-up compared to the new policy requirements. Letter to Living Donor Recovery Programs