Measurement of CP violation with the LHCb experiment at CERN


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Presentation transcript:

Measurement of CP violation with the LHCb experiment at CERN Annabelle Chuinard McGill University WIPC 2013 WIPC 2013

The LHC experiment Key facts Physics goals b b Physics goals Key facts b-physics: study of particles containing a (anti-)beauty quark! Branching fraction of B meson decay  Feynman diagram CP asymmetry  CKM matrix terms Physics beyond the SM 760 people, 14 countries 4500 t. apparatus, 100 m underground single arm forward (≠ ATLAS) WIPC 2013

The LHCb detector Magnets Trackers Electronic CALorimeter Hadronic Muons detector (MWPC) -271.3°C RICH 2 -5 to 5°C RICH 1 VErtex LOcator -25°C Proton beam pp collision WIPC 2013

My job: measure CP asymmetry for Tree Radiative B decay : A1 Amplitudes Penguin (loop) A2 There are 2 main Feynman contributions to this decay. WIPC 2013

CKM terms and couplings Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CKM) matrix describes quark mixing in weak interactions. WIPC 2013

Asymmetry Conjugate process (CP) WIPC 2013

Charge asymmetry Asymmetry due to production rate of B+ et B- Detection asymmetry between K+ et K- (found compatible with 0) Measured value from experimental rates Corrections

How to determine raw asymmetry? Distribution of the invariant mass η’K+ Blue line: Multiparameter fit to maximize the extended likelihood function Distribution of the invariant mass η’K-

Use this as a boundary condition to fit ρ as of function of pK+. Detection asymmetry Detection efficiency is a function of the cross-section of with matter. At high energy, K+ and K- indistinguishable = same cross section Test sample: (no production asymmetry) Map ρ and use MINUIT tool to minimize χ2 Use this as a boundary condition to fit ρ as of function of pK+.

Detection asymmetry computation Integrate over the distribution to have number of events Distribution of as a function of the momentum Distribution of the number of events as a function of Distribution of the number of events as a function of

SUMMARY Calculated using rates from mass distributions Calculated using new method based on kaons cross-sections Compatible with PDG world average : Improvements : Increase luminosity = more statistics

Appendix 1: 2D Likelihood fit Unbinned limit (either 0 or 1 event per bin) Poisson’s distr. mB and mη’ are uncorrelated

Appendix 2: Detection asymmetry – Mapping process