Homework Exercise
JOMC 172 Advertising Media GRPsPrimetime What is the reach for a schedule of 250 GRPs in Primetime? Best = 68 2nd Best = 69 3rd Best = 65
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 2. What is the average frequency for a schedule of 350 GRPs in Late Fringe? Reach = 46 Frequency = 350 / 46 = =7.6 GRPsLate Fringe
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 3. What 4-week Adult 18+ reach and frequency will be developed by the following group of Late Fringe, network TV programs, each of which will be purchased once per week for four weeks?
JOMC 172 Advertising Media ProgramRating4 wk. GRPs A728 B624 C520 D624 TOTAL96
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 3. Reach & Frequency 96 GRPs = 34 Reach Frequency = 96 / 34 = = 2.8 GRPsLate Fringe
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 4. January reach & frequency ReachFrequency Net TV412.1 Nat’l Mags301.2 Spot TV-- National Spot GRPs = 122
JOMC 172 Advertising Media ReachNon-Reach Net TV4159 Nat’l Mags January reach & frequency 59 x 70 = 41.3 = 41 non-reach Reach = = 59 Frequency = 122 / 59 = 2.1
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 4. January reach & frequency ReachFrequency Net TV412.1 Nat’l Mags301.2 Spot TV-- National592.1 Spot592.1
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 4. Feb. reach & frequency (Nat’l) ReachFreq. Net TV522.0 Nat’l Mags321.3 Spot TV552.7 National Spot GRPs Non- Reach 48 x 68 = 33 = 67 145 / 67 =
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 4. Feb. reach & frequency (spot) ReachFreq. Net TV522.0 Nat’l Mags321.3 Spot TV552.7 National672.2 Spot GRPs Non- Reach 48 x 68 x 45 = 15 = 85 85 x.95 = 81 294 / 81 =
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 4. Mar. reach & frequency (Nat’l) ReachFreq. Net TV552.2 Nat’l Mags341.3 Spot TV582.2 National Spot GRPs Non- Reach 45 x 66 = 29.7 = 70 165 / 70 =
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 4. Mar. reach & frequency (Nat’l) ReachFreq. Net TV552.2 Nat’l Mags341.3 Spot TV582.2 National702.4 Spot GRPs Non- Reach 45 x 66 x 42 = 12.5 = 87 87 x.95 = 83 293 / 83 =
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 5. Combining network packages NETReachFreq.GRPs A B C D
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 5. Compute reach & freq. (ABC) ComboNon-reach Reach (100-nr) Reach (.95 x ) ABC 58 x 53 x 72 = GRPs = = Freq. = 264 / 74 = 3.6
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 5. Compute reach & freq. (ABD) ComboNon-reach Reach (100-nr) Reach (.95 x ) ABD 58 x 53 x 75 = GRPs = = Freq. = 264 / 73 = 3.6
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 5. Compute reach & freq. (ACD) ComboNon-reach Reach (100-nr) Reach (.95 x ) ACD 58 x 72 x 75 = GRPs = = 257 Freq. = 257 / 66 = 3.9
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 5. Compute reach & freq. (BCD) ComboNon-reach Reach (100-nr) Reach (.95 x ) BCD 53 x 72 x 75 = GRPs = = Freq. = 254 / 67 = 3.8
JOMC 172 Advertising Media 5. Comparison Min max. reach = ABC Max. freq. = ACD ComboReachFreq. ABC743.6 ABD733.6 ACD663.9 BCD673.8