Communicating Through Symbols Symbolic Self Portraits
Symbol: A form, image or subject representing a meaning other than the one with which it is usually associated. The systematic use of symbols or pictorial conventions to express an allegorical/metaphorical meaning.
Symbols in art are our oldest form of visual communication and convey meaning beyond what's obvious. Read more at Suite101: Symbols in Art: Everyday objects can have hidden but agreed-upon meaning | Symbols in Art: Symbolism is an important element of most religious arts and reading symbols plays a main role in psychoanalysis.
Jan van Eyck (Dutch, died 1441), The Arnolfini Marriage [The Betrothal of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami], 1434, oil on wood panel, 81.8 x 59.7 cm, National Gallery, London. The bride to be has placed her right hand into the left hand of her fiancé to symbolize their intention to wed. Source:
Some of the other symbols: a dog symbolizes love and fidelity
a pair of white slippers in the lower left symbolize the sanctity of marriage
fruits on the windowsill symbolize fertility and original sin See convex, Dutch art, frame, and mirror.
a candle burning in daylight acknowledges faith in God as well as his all-seeing eye.
A convex mirror hangs on the wall behind the bride and groom. In this mirror is a reflection of the backs of the principal figures, accompanied by those of the painter and another man who witness the betrothal. The frame of the mirror contains ten medallions portraying scenes from the life of Christ.
Celtic knot design influenced by illustration in the Lindisfarne Gospels.
The Eye of Ra is an Egyptian symbol which is believed to bring good health. Later in Egyptian history when the Osiris legend became dominant it was called the Eye of Horus. On a coffin, often drawn as a pair of eyes, it acted as the eyes of the dead looking east to the rising sun for immortality.
Chinese symbol of “good business” and financial crisis 2008
Caduceus is used to represent the medical field. However, the origin of Caduceus was from the Greek mythology, illustrating the staff who was carried by Hermes. In addition, this symbol is also used in occultism and alchemy.
Aum is the root mantra and primal sound from which all creation issues forth. It is associated with Lord Ganesha. Its three syllables stand at the beginning and end of every sacred verse, every human act. s/dws_r7_primer-symbols.html
The Dharmachakra is widely used by the Buddhists to represent the teaching to the right path, in other words the Dharma. It is a symbol known as the Wheel of Law.
The Star of David represents the Judaism. Until today, we still do not know its real origin, why this symbol is portrayed as a star. You can find it on Jewish religious places like the Synagogue and others…as well as on flags.
Hopi Tapuat – the mother child symbol. The lines represent stages of life, umbilical cord, and the path of moving – always within the watchfulness of the Mother. The center symbolizes the amniotic sack – the center of life – the beginning. This piece is also refered to as the Journey symbol.
More Symbols Besides cultural and religious symbols we see visual symbolism in many other areas as well Such as… – Astrology – Dream symbolism/psychoanalysis – Branding/Media – Letter and number systems – Signs – Personal symbolism Tattoos – And of course - ART
Personal Meaning To one person, a butterfly might represent rebirth or freedom To another it might represent chaos – I.e. – the “butterfly effect”
Your Assignment… You will begin by dividing two pages in your sketchbook into eight sections
In each of the 16 sections, draw a symbol that represents some aspect of your life – think culture, dreams, future plans, sports, family, and other personal symbols – label each Apple for teaching Piggybank for money Diploma for scholarship Soccer ball for soccer Brushes and palette for art Fish for my fish obsession Sun for summer Bird and tree for Alison What it is and WHY
Pen and Ink You will then learn a variety of pen and ink techniques – BRING YOUR G2’s!!! Hatching, crosshatching and stippling
Value You will create value scales using all three techniques
The Draft You will then create a draft of your symbols overlapping each other You will add a border to this that fits your overall theme
Finally… You will transfer your draft to your final paper, and complete the value using the pen and ink techniques.
Additional Info Your final may have words – but they must be few and completed in the pen and ink techniques There are lots of resources online… USE THEM This in meant to be a symbolic self portrait. It should tell others about who you are. Think deeply about your symbols. You may learn something cool about yourself.
LINKS! du/~umfandsf/symb olismproject/symbol ism.html/ du/~umfandsf/symb olismproject/symbol ism.html/
Mayil Mayil, "peacock," is Lord Murugan's mount, swift and beautiful like Karttikeya Himself. The proud display of the dancing peacock symbolizes religion in full, unfolded glory. His shrill cry warns of approaching harm. Aum.