Mechanics and Wave Motion
Purpose providing the student a good understanding of physics at undergrad level. is essential for understanding the modern world w.r.t technology
Background Basic knowledge of physics (which you have studied at intermediate level Algebra and trigonometry are essential. (which you have studied in different math related subjects during your first four semesters) However, for physics, the more mathematics one knows the better.
Textbook No prescribed textbook. “College Physics” by Halliday and Resnick “University Physics” by Young and Freedman. Physics for Scientists and Engineer E-books
Course outlines Introduction to physics Kinematics – motion of points, bodies (objects) and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the cause of motion – geometry of motion. – Astrophysics, mechanical engineering, robotics Force and Newton’s Laws & Applications of Newton’s Laws Work and Energy Conservation of Energy – mass-energy equivalence – conservation of mass – perpetual motion machine
Course outlines Momentum – linear momentum – translational momentum – Angular Momentum Collisions – elastic collision – inelastic collision Rotational Kinematics – motion of objects as they translate – the motion of objects as the rotate
Course outlines Particles Physics – nature of particles that are the constituents of what is usually referred to as matter and radiation. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies Oscillations – repetitive variation, typically in time Materials Physics – describe materials in many different ways such as force, heat, light and mechanics.materials
Course outlines Fluids Physics – studies fluids (liquids, gases, and plasmas) and the forces on them. Sound – mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing Wave Motion – Transverse and longitudinal waves – Superposition principle – Standing wave Gravitation – Newton's theory of gravitation
Course outlines Electrostatics & Electric Potential Capacitors, Currents and Circuits Magnetic Field & Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current Electromagnetic Waves Physics of Light Interference and Diffraction Geometrical Optics Heat
Course outlines – Explanation This course will cover the following broad categories: a) Classical Mechanics - deals with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. This is often called Newtonian mechanics as well. b) Electromagnetism – regarding charges how they behave under the influence of electric and magnetic fields
Course outlines – Explanation c) Thermal Physics - studies regarding the nature of heat and the changes in matter. d) Quantum Mechanics - primarily deals with the physics of small objects such as atoms, nuclei, quarks, etc. However, Quantum Mechanics will be treated only briefly
Introduction to physics