UNITE TO FACE ADDICTION ADVOCACY DAY 2015 Carol McDaid Capitol Decisions, Inc.
Advocacy Day Schedule 2 7:30am: Breakfast/orientation 9am: Group photo 10am – 4:30pm: Appointments with House & Senate staff Registration is required by 9/15 for advocacy day participation. Register at:
State of Play on Capitol Hill Difficult political environment Attention being paid to opioid abuse & overdose epidemic WE are establishing that those impacted by Substance Use Disorder are a constituency of consequence 3
Advocacy Day Logistics 4 Lobby day participants in state “teams” for meetings on Capitol Hill Teams will schedule their own meetings Info on how to schedule your meeting will be distributed to registrants in early September Submit requests for appointments in mid-September Leave behind materials distributed at breakfast & available in a “break room” on Capitol Hill Before departing the Hill, please complete a feedback/follow up form and drop it off with staff at the break room Staff will be available to answer questions & provide assistance before & during the Advocacy Day
Advocacy Day Tips Wear business attire and comfortable shoes Avoid wearing metal, if possible Capitol Hill offices, especially House offices, are small. Don’t be offended if you meet in the hallway The House will not be in session; staff drive the agenda on Capitol Hill so your meeting with them is critical Members & staff are busy; stay on message & be brief It is illegal to mention political contributions in a congressional office When staffer closes their notebook, please wrap up 5
How to organize a meeting with a Member of Congress/staff 6 Designate a primary spokesperson Be brief with introductions; time is short Provide & collect business cards where possible Provide a brief explanation of UTFA’s mission and history Spend the bulk of your time on key messages and requests
How to organize a meeting with a Member Congress/staff (cont’d) 7 Know the legislator’s party affiliation, committee assignments Tie UTFA’s issues to lawmaker’s community-based issues (i.e recent overdose deaths) Make a request: legislators want to “do something” for their constituents. For example: Send a letter or cosponsor a bill Provide the legislator a packet of information AFTER you have concluded your discussion a thank-you note
Open Your Meeting: Introduce Yourself & UTFA 8 Thank you for taking time to meet with us today. We’re here today on behalf of Unite to Face Addiction. I am a constituent in your District/State I am a [person in term recovery/family member/family member of loss/addiction treatment professional/CJ professional] We have come to Washington to participate in a national rally for people impacted by addiction Our primary goals are to achieve a public health response to addiction and improve the health outcomes and civil liberties of criminal justice involved individuals who suffer from addiction
THE ASK: THE COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND RECOVERY ACT (CARA) (S. 524/HR 953)S. 524HR We hope you can co-sponsor/thank you for supporting CARA. Introduced by Senators Portman (R-OH) and Whitehouse (D-RI) and Reps. Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Conyers (D- MI) this bipartisan legislation includes a comprehensive response to the epidemic and addresses prevention, law enforcement strategies, preventing overdose deaths, expansion of evidence-based treatment, and support for those in, or seeking, recovery.
THE ASK: SIGN PARITY LETTER TO FEDERAL AGENCIES 10 We support full implementation and enforcement of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) The law was passed in 2008 but the law is still not fully implemented or enforced Please ask (The Senator or House Member) to sign this letter to the Secretaries of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services & Treasury asking that they full implement & enforce the parity law
Close Your Meeting 11 Invite the staffer/Member of Congress/Senator to visit your organization Thank them for their time.