On Leadership Dr. Thomas Ponniah Harvard University
Machiavelli The key question: how to maintain social order? Dangers: external attack and internal dissent The armed prophet
Machiavelli Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Mandela Apartheid: 15% of the population controlled 85% of the population. 1949: Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act 1950: Immorality Act 1950: The Population Registration Act 1953: Reservation of Separate Amenities Act
Mandela 1948: Apartheid officially begins 1948: Mandela becomes politically active : Mandela in prison 1993: wins Nobel Peace Prize 1993: anti-apartheid leader Chris Hani is assassinated : President Mandela 1995: Rugby World Cup
Machiavelli vs. Mandela Machiavelli: the ends justify the means Mandela: the means and ends must correspond
9 principles of leadership I. Physical Stamina
9 principles of leadership II. Belief that you can change your self and history
9 principles of leadership III. Long term vision
9 principles of leadership IV. Knowing your priorities
9 principles of leadership V. Serve the whole
9 principles of leadership VI. Compassion
9 principles of leadership VII. Collective Action
9 principles of leadership VIII. Renewal
9 principles of leadership IX. Spirituality
On Leadership Dr. Thomas Ponniah Lecturer on Social Studies, Harvard University Faculty Associate, Harvard’s Project on Justice, Welfare and Economics