AA Directions Circulation & Readership Jan-Dec 2012.


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AA Directions Circulation & Readership Jan-Dec 2012

AA Directions Magazine Circulation and Readership Information Current Circulation:533,190 ABC Average Net Circulation Jan-Dec 2012 Current Readership: 893,000 (24% of total population) – very high regular readership –698,000 78% people read every issue On average AA Directions readers have been a regular reader for 16 years Publishing Dates:March, July and October Key Features  Equal male/female readership  Are self-employed/top professionals/government officials/retired  Skew to higher socio-economic levels and high income  Have discretionary income  Adult children  No mortgage – 42% of regular readers, that’s 60% more likely than the total population  High income  11% of regular readers have bought a car in the past year, 21,000 of those bought a new car, that’s 40% more likely than the total population  Key strength = Baby Boomers  Are high grocery spenders  Spend lots of time on home improvements, gardening, redecorating, etc  Travel as frequently as possible – 43% of regular readers are planning to travel overseas last year, that’s 14% more likely than the total population Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012

Nielsen National Readership Survey To be read as follows:164,000 people aged between years read AA Directions, that is 18.4% of the total readership group (893,000 people) and year olds are 9% more likely to read AA Directions than the average population Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012

HARD WORKING UNDUPLICATED CIRCULATION AA Directions New Zealand’s Highest Circulating Magazine - On Average 540,000 Plastic wrapped copies personally addressed to 740,000 people! A copy of each issue is sent on average to 540,000 households Addressed to the main (master) AA member E.g. To Mr. Jones Addressed to the main (master) AA member and Associate member (170,000 avg.) E.g. To Mr. Jones Mrs. Jones Addressed to the main (master) AA member, Associate member and any additional members (30,000 avg.) E.g. To Mr. Jones Mrs. Jones Master Jones Miss Jones Each copy of each average issue reaches 740,000 New Zealanders via a personalised addressed label Source: The New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated, Average Circulation of AA Directions magazine

Circulation / Readership AA Directions and the Consumer Magazine Market Source: Audited Bureau of Circulation Average Net Circulation Jan-Dec 2012 Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012 Does not include listings titles such as Skywatch and TV Guide AA Directions has 58% more readers than the average readership of the other Top 10 consumer titles. AA Directions has 5.1 times more copies in circulation than its nearest consumer competition

AA Directions and Circulation Source: Audited Bureau of Circulation Average Net Circulation Jan-Dec 2012 Does not include listings titles such as Skywatch and TV Guide AA Directions has a circulation of 533,190 copies, 5.1 times as many as its nearest rival

AA Directions and Readership AA Directions is the Number One consumer read title. Does not include listings titles such as Skywatch and TV Guide Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 2012

Extremely Loyal AA Directions Readers 715,000 or 80% of AA Directions readers are primary readers, ie. have obtained a copy for their own use. A MASSIVE 698,000 or 78% of AA Directions readers read the last four out of four issues. Source of Copy Definitions Primary:Bought/obtained by me for me Secondary: Given to me by the person who bought the magazine Tertiary: Sourced the copy from another source e.g. a waiting room Source: Nielsen CMI Jan-Dec 21012

AA Directions Readers Survey 81%of readers rate the overall impression of AA Directions as good or excellent. Source: AA Directions Reader Monitor March August 2012: *5 point rating scale: excellent; good; acceptable, poor; very poor 99% of AA Direction readers enjoy reading about NZ destinations 61% of AA Directions copies are read by two or more people On average readers spend 56 mins reading each issue. Of our readers…

AA Directions Readers Survey Over half of the readers of AA Directions think the balance of ads is the right amount Source: AA Directions Reader Monitor March 2010 – August % of readers would recommend AA Directions to a friend