Career Ed.
There could be 2 or 3 qualified applicants for one job opening. One determining factor may be based on the applicant who exhibits the strongest desire or interest in the job. The applicant who follows up on the interview may be the one selected for the job!
What are the 3 follow up option to an interview. What is the purpose of a follow up?
3 follow up options Make a return visit 2-3 days after interview Make a telephone call 2-3days after interview Send a post-interview letter right after interview.
Determine if a decision has been made Restate your interest in the position and working for the company. 5-step follow up plan 1. Reintroduce yourself and restate your interest in the job 2. Add any additional thoughts you may not have covered during the interview 3. Emphasize your strengths for the job 4. Find out if a hiring decision has been made 5. Thank the interviewer
Write the letter immediately after the interview. Pay attention to quality and accuracy. Proofread before you mail it Sections of a post-interview letter: 1. Thank-You and positive comment about interview 2. Emphasize strengths 3. Continued interest and additional reasons for hiring
Congratulations! Your hard work has earned you a job!! Now you have to decide whether or not to accept it. The decision is easier if you have gathered necessary information before, during and after the interview. Evaluate the job’s advantages and disadvantages.
Follow up questions: Does the position provide the kind of work that will be satisfying day after day? Can you live on the wages being offered? How are wage increases earned? Does the company offer satisfactory job security? Is the company's benefits package satisfactory? Is your supervise the kind of person you could work with easily? Coworkers? Is the company location convenient? Does this job offer opportunities for training, education, and advancement?
Jobs that might be difficult to find: Summer Jobs: ▪ Allow plenty of time (start looking 1-3 months early) ▪ Ask for help ▪ Let other know you are looking for a job ▪ Search bulleting boards, newspapers, internet ▪ Sign up for temporary agencies ▪ Apply at places looking for summer help ▪ Start your own business
Even when job market is at its toughest, you can still find work. Following these steps is even more important. When not successful, ask for feedback. Ask for help