CV-lecture CareerCenter BTH Welcome!
Personal letter and CV CV – Curriculum Vitae. Life Description. Merits Facts about what you have done, where and when. (Ambitions, goals) Personal Letter / Employment Letter Engaging & Captivating presentation about yourself Why should you get the job? Sales Letter. Aim- Provide a brief description of yourself. CV and Personal Letter complements and supports each other.
Look up: grades, certificates, diplomas, degrees Look up: grades, certificates, diplomas, degrees. List Employments: When and where? Job Analysis. First/last job. Layout, Appr. 2 pages, spacious, basic personal info Checklist
The following subtitles are common: My goals and strength Employments /work experience Education Language skills Computer/ technical skills Relevant projects Honorary Posts, Military service. Additional information References Contact information Type of CV? Chronological, Skill, Casual…..
http://www. kent. ac. uk/careers/cv/cv1. htm http://www. kent. ac
General focus Personal Letter Who are you? Why are you applying for the job? Why should they hire you?
Personal Letter Personal information Title Introduction Main text Conclusion Salary?
Check, Layout
Show your interest! Brief description of yourself What you want. What you can do. Send to many Follow up with a visit or a call
The Interview Situation To think about for the interview…….. Test Questions
Interview Questions Goals, ambitions Experiences Skills Your person Implicit questions: Invisible, underlying Explicit questions: Visible Goals, ambitions Experiences Skills Your person Teamwork Other