Every Moment is a Marketing Moment Dana Lawrence Director of Communications & Grassroots Advocacy Michigan Primary Care Association YOU CAN CREATE A BUZZ ABOUT YOUR HEALTH CENTER Administrative & Executive Assistants Training June 3, 2014 | Great Wolf Lodge, Traverse City
Know who is “officially” responsible for your Health Center’s marketing, communications, media relations, public relations
Follow your Health Center’s “rules” to help strengthen its brand
Logo usage Style guide Media policy Social media policy Customer service etiquette
Establish, nurture relationships with elected officials (and staff)
Establish/nurture relationships with reporters/journalists Connect to media point person Everything is “on the record” Reporter first/ friend second
Share news that your Health Center’s communications point person can turn into a story to pitch to the media
Be on the lookout for your Health Center in the news Read local paper Watch local TV “Clip” news coverage Share everywhere Send to
Be on the lookout for your Health Center in the news
Invite elected officials AND the media to events
Take your camera with you everywhere Pictures tell a thousand words Video is even more compelling Use your smart phone Get signed media release forms
Take your camera with you everywhere
Help identify effective spokespeople
Engage online Association
Dana Lawrence Director of Communications & Grassroots Advocacy Michigan Primary Care Association Questions?