Options for Independent Living Katie Weyers
Kitchen This is a picture of a kitchen cupboard. The handles are sideways so they are easier to grab. The cupboard also can raise and lower which is good for someone in a wheelchair.
Kitchen This is a side opening oven. This is perfect so someone doesn’t have to bend over the oven door or try to reach over the oven door to get something out. It is perfect for someone in a wheelchair. They can get closer to the oven to put something in or take something out.
Bathroom This is a modified shower. It is great for anyone who is unable to stand in the shower. They can sit on the bench and use the shower head with the hose on it to clean off.
Bathroom This is a modified bathtub. The side of it slides down making it easier to get in.
Bathroom This is a commode that can go over the toilet. It can raise and lower depending on the desired height. It is perfect for anyone who has knee or back trouble, so they don’t have to bend all the way down to a normal toilet seat.
Bathroom This is the control for a bidet. It is for anyone who needs assistance with cleaning up and wiping. It cleans the bottom so they don’t have to bend down themselves or have someone else clean them up.
Living Area This an electric recliner. It is great for anyone who has muscle weakness or back problems. They don’t have to use their body to lean back. They can simply press the button.
Living Area This is to transport someone who is unable to walk down the stairs. It is great for someone who is uneasy on their feet or someone who is in a wheelchair.
Computer Room This is a computer that magnifies the text. It is used for someone with a visual impairment.
Stairwell There is a rubber strip and wood floor before the stairs. It helps someone with a visual impairment know where the stairs start.
Phones These are all modified phones. They are aids for people with hearing impairments. They tend to be expensive and most cell phones can do the same thing.
Summary I learned a lot at Options for Independent Living. I saw a lot of things there that I never knew were modifications for people with special needs. Someday I will have to make modifications for my students and I can use that place as a resource for ideas or even send some of my students there.