EXPERT MEETING ON ICT AND TOURISM FOR DEVELOPMENT Geneva, Switzerland 30 Nov-2 Dec 2005 Session 2 Innovation process in the tourism industry presented by Al Karaki CEO, Chameleon International
THE BASIC OBJECTIVES Communicating your Content through various Channels to Clients who you want to Convert into a sale
COMMUNICATION The Battle for the Desktop – Browsers, Toolbars, Chameleon Appliances and Service based communities – Playstation, Yahoo Lots of smaller communities make a BIG one vs the Net
CONTENT Is Content as important as we think it is? Customers link with quality content and user-friendly technology Content providers are gatekeepers between technology and consumer Is content sustainable?
CHANNELS Adapt or Die – it’s simple CONVERGENCE Greater accessibility – broadband, mobile, wireless, powerline External Innovation - The Internet will become the mainstream channel.. Internal Innovations - Changing the wheel – Google and Skype Converging technology or converging content?
CLIENTS Over 1 billion users Customer centric shift.. oWhenever they want oWhatever they want oWherever they are.. The Wiki – user driven info The Blog – user driven dialogue Innovations in Research
CONVERSION It’s all about Money!! Niche Packaging DIY Vs Outsource Turning the industry on its head – power to the people
SUMMARY Communicate Send the right message using the right technology Customer choice is shaping the communications industry Content Heavy investment in brand identity Don’t wait - get in early to win brand loyalty Be the first to define new niche or dominate the niche Repackage properly to suit the channel(s) and provide the highest quality content at a reasonable price. Content is the only lever that Tourism organisations really possess
SUMMARY Channels Understand convergence and consider the Internet as the new form of interactive TV Convergence must be around the customer, not the technology Constant improvement of the user access and interface to make the user experience simpler, more tailored, and more efficient
SUMMARY Clients Develop new products and services specifically for user More than ownership of the technology, you must "own" the customer too Research extensively who they are and what they want Conversion Make it appealing, choose partners wisely and don’t re-invent the wheel (it costs too much)