The OSCARS: Rules and Regulations for Wunderlich’s RED CARPET Event
How to Register for the OSCARS: Registration begins MARCH 1 st. All entries must be based on a BOOK! Individual or group entries are permitted. You must complete a “summary sheet” for your entry. Your ELA teachers have these and will sign them upon completion. You will then turn them into Mrs. Noble and sign up for an OSCAR WIFL class. Group entries: ALL members of the group must complete an individual summary. Your entry will be turned into Mrs. Noble upon completion.
Category #1: Best overall film Entry must be submitted as a WINDOWS MOVIE FILE! Teachers and Students may submit entries: NO MIXED TEAMS OF TEACHERS AND STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED. STUDENT GRAND PRIZE: IPAD for individual or all team members that win. TEACHER GRAND PRIZE: IPAD for individual or all team members that win.
Additional categories for movie trailers: #2- Best Horror FILM #3- Best Comedy FILM #4- Best Romance FILM #5- Best Sci-Fi FILM #6- Best Action/Adventure FILM
ADDITIONAL Movie CATEGORY RULES and PRIZES: Entry must be submitted as a WINDOWS MOVIE FILE! STUDENT PRIZE: Oscar Statue for individual or all team members that win. Runner-ups will receive ribbon awards.
Category #7 : Best movie poster Individual entries ONLY! Any painting or drawing mediums may be used. Digitally constructed and digital media posters are permitted. They should be in color unless they are pencil sketches. Several formats will be accepted- see your ELA teacher for details.
Category #8: Best MOVIE script This should be in play or “script” format- see your ELA teacher for details. All entries must be between 2-5 pages in length. All scripts must have a cover sheet with the title of the film, the date and names of all student participants.
Category #9: Best original movie score The entry will be a single piece of original music. Lyrics, music or BOTH can be included. The entry can be a recorded performance through Windows Movie Maker, or just sheet music. Winners may be asked to perform the piece live at the OSCAR Ceremony. Entries should be between 2-6 minutes in length. No group entries will be permitted; individual entries only.
Category #10: best original costume design The costume can appear in a book trailer, but does not have to. It may designed, based on your favorite book character. You will be photographed in your costume as part of the entry process-this will be taken before the OSCAR ceremony. Photos of the finalists will be displayed at the ceremony. All entries must include the page # and passage where your costume is described, in the book. Costumes should not be taken from a book cover nor from a movie adaptation…they must be original. No rented or purchased costumes are permitted. No weapons are allowed as part of the costume. No group entries will be permitted; individual entries only.
Category #11: Best movie set diorama Students my create a diorama of a set that was used for a WIFL movie trailer. Sets should reflect a location in the student’s novel. A page number and passage of the location should be provided with the entry. Dioramas should be between inches in length and width, and no taller than 18 inches high. A scale of the diorama should be provided. No group entries will be permitted; individual entries only.
Category #12: Best Movie Storyboard Students may submit a storyboard for a film they made, or a film they were unable to complete due to time. Storyboards should represent the full trailer (1-3 minutes worth of materials). Storyboards should be completed on the standard sheet- see your ELA teacher for details. Storyboards must have a cover sheet with the title of the film, the date and the names of all student participants.