MAME 2010 Lansing, MI Suzanne Robinson, MeL Databases Training Coordinator, MCLS
MeL is a project of the Library of Michigan, an agency of the state government. The Library of Michigan contracts with MCLS and partners with a number of Michigan organizations and institutions to provide MeL services. This service is funded in part by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan. Additional project support comes from the Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) via the Institute of Museum and Library Services(IMLS).
Spice things up Bring subjects to life Better understanding
Engage students Develop higher level thinking skills Learn new ways to apply knowledge
Assume “from the time period” Firsthand knowledge or reporting Not retrospective
Books Pamphlets Essays Diaries Serials Gov docs Maps Comic books & graphic novels Manuscripts Archival materials Realia
Tablets Visual materials Music, sheet music Sound recordings Dissertations Interviews s Tweets Text messages Census data
Original Microform Digitized Scanned or ASCII text
Secondhand knowledge After the event with analysis, interpretation,etc. Conveying experiences and/or opinions of others One step removed
I.E., many sources reviewed, analyzed, different viewpoints taken into account, third party accounts, newspaper reports, etc.
How does the author know? Was the author at the scene? Where does the information come from? Based on single piece of evidence or multiple sources?
MeL Michigana Sabin Michigan collection Academic OneFile Opposing Viewpoints Gale Virtual Ref Library eLibrary, eLib Elem Culturegrams
OAIster MeLCat Library of Congress
ve/primarysources/primarysources.html ve/primarysources/primarysources.html y2.html y2.html
ources/ ources/ esources/pubs/usingprimarysources esources/pubs/usingprimarysources
ermany-america- map/index.html?hpt=hp_bn2 ermany-america- map/index.html?hpt=hp_bn2 alive_in_a_digital_world.aspx alive_in_a_digital_world.aspx
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