The Power of Data Analytics: Understanding our clients and understanding what works James Kelly and Vinny Pattison Tuesday 10 th July 2012
2 Content One year in Why data analytics Skills and health profiles Putting insight into action
3 Ingeus: The first year of the Work Programme 187,536
4 A regional view 31% Relative average job outcome performance / West London =100
5 Why use data analytics? To better understand: Client characteristics and make up Intervention impact Comparative operational performance Informing the policy debate
6 Driving operational performance and informing policy Capability to rapidly interrogate multiple data sets held within the data warehouse Understand which journeys work for which clients Provide support to advisors and senior management A myth busting machine Client Profile Intervention Number Interviews Courses Applications Type of provider Spend per client Mandation Staff Profile Number Interviews Courses Applications Type of provider Spend per client Mandation Staff Profile Outcome In/out work Sustainability On/off benefit Progression In/out work Sustainability On/off benefit Progression Gov’t Policy Real time evidence Better policy Real time evidence Better policy Continuous Improvement
7 Gender and the Work Programme A male dominated Programme Female Male
8 Age and the Work Programme Over 40s make up the largest group by age profile on the Work Programme Harder to achieve job outcomes for older clients (across payment groups)
So much of interest.... Length of unemployment has a greater impact on returning to work than we believed Harder to achieve job outcomes for those who state their ethnicity is ‘White’ compared with those who state it being ‘Black’; Asian; or ‘Mixed’ 1 in 5 JSA clients declare a health concern as a barrier to finding employment Correlations between size of end-to-end subcontractors and performance Greater understanding of the impact of skills and health on outcome performance Etc, etc..... But how do we use new insights to drive performance
10 The data and analytics is taken from Work Programme attachments to Ingeus between June and October 2011 across the 8 Contract Package Areas in which we operate; The analysis focuses on 65,204 Work Programme JSA clients in payment group 1 (JSA year olds) and payment group 2 (JSA 25+); The analysis does not consider clients claiming Employment Support Allowance, JSA Early Referrals or JSA Ex-IB; The analysis uses the yes/no answers to 3 basic skills and 2 health related diagnostic questions which are asked at the initial diagnostics stage. Health and Skills Analytics
Times less likely to have started work than the best skills and health scenario (% of the JSA Work Programme population in the cohort) The impact of basic skills and health profiles on job starts Best Worst 6.2x (1.1%) 2.7x (4.5%) 1.8x (2.4%) Health Profile 3 potential combinations Skills Profile 8 potential combinations 1x (34.8%) 2.0x (0.1%)
JSA skills and health client profile - the hardest 1% Low Qualifications Declare that they do not have an A* - C GCSE in English or Maths Older 45 years old (on average compared to the WP JSA population who are 38 years old on average) Long term unemployed Have been out of work for more than 5 years (44% as compared to 18% of the Work Programme JSA population as a whole) Long term benefit claimant Have been on benefits for more than 2 years (25% compared to 15% of the WP JSA population as a whole) Current health concern Declare that they have a health concern which will affect their ability to work Historical health concern Believe this health concern has affected their ability to stay in work in the past Low IT skills Declare that they do not regularly use the Internet and Poor numeracy and literacy Declare that they struggle with reading and writing
JSA clients : Internet, and job starts Internet and use is a key indicator of a clients likely hood of starting employment The age of a Work Programme JSA client has an impact on their use of Internet and Regardless of age the likelihood of starting work is increased significantly if the client regularly uses the Internet and Times more likely to have started work than a client not regularly using the Internet and % not regularly using the Internet and Age Group BUT… Age Group
14 Analytics in Action: IT for Work Pilot Quantitative data triangulated with advisor and client insight; Basic IT course designed and accredited; Course funded with SFA money through local college; Pilot running for 2 months integrated with WP delivery; Aim: part of long term integration of employment and skills; Full evaluation into impact of the pilot with lessons for delivery and policy.
15 Conclusions Very early days It’s just one tool A product of the Work Programme Attitude, motivation, commitment More tailored support Better policy making Future programme design Better outcomes